Maintain Restricted Funding Sources - CRSF12A0


To enable the definition of the acceptable set of available funding sources for a course.


Course Structure & Planning


Two Blocks

Course Version

Funding Source Restriction



Course Version


The Course Version block displays the current course version record from CRSF1210. The displayed records in the Funding Source Restriction block are the set of available funding sources for that context record.


If course version A300 - Bachelor of Arts, version x is selected, then this form will display A300 - Bachelor of Arts and any existing funding sources relating to this course version will be displayed.

To inquire on the funding sources of a course version other than that initially displayed:

This block does not permit a query to be entered. It is necessary to:

  1. Return to the Maintain Basic Course Details form.
  2. Select the course version for which restricted funding source records are required.
  3. Select the navigation button for Other Course Detail.
  4. Select the navigation button for restricted funding sources.

Funding Source Restriction


This form is used to define the restricted funding source(s) and/or default funding source of a course version. Restricted funding sources are those funding sources against which a students enrolment in the course version may be funded. One of the funding sources may be nominated as the default funding source. Students enrolling in the course version would have their funding source set by default to the default funding source. If this funding source does not have the Restrict checkbox selected, then the default funding source may be overridden at enrolment. Students enrolling in course versions with no recorded funding source restrictions can have their funding source set to any of the available funding sources.


Examples of restricted funding sources could be Employer Funded or Special Grant.

To define restricted funding sources for a particular course version using the Maintain Restricted Funding Sources form:

  1. Enter Insert Mode.
  2. Select the appropriate funding source from the list of values (or key a valid value) in the Funding Source field of a blank record.
  3. Select the Default and/or Restrict checkbox according to the rules opposite.
  4. Save.


  • Funding sources in this form are obtained from a list of values. This list of values is maintained using the Maintain Funding Sources form.
  • A course version may have more than one restricted funding source.
  • Only one record can have its Default checkbox selected.
  • Either the Default or Restrict or both checkboxes must be selected where there is only one funding source record.
  • Where there are two or more records, the Restrict checkbox must be selected for every record.
  • A restriction cannot be defined against a CLOSED funding source.
  • Funding source restrictions cannot be altered once the course version is made INACTIVE.

To modify a restricted funding source for a particular course version using the Maintain Restricted Funding Sources form:

  1. Find the record to be modified.
  2. Modify the Default and/or Restrict indicators as required. (ensuring that only one funding source is selected as the default and that all funding sources are selected as restrict where there is more than one funding source.)
  3. Save.


  • Only the Default and Restrict indicators are able to be modified. To change a funding source it is necessary to delete incorrect records and/or create new records.

To delete a restricted funding source from a particular course version using the Maintain Restricted Funding Sources form:

  1. Ensure that the correct course version is displayed in the Course Version block.
  2. Select the desired funding source record in the Funding Source Restriction block.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.

Changes within this form will have the following notable effects:

  • Defining a restricted funding source or a set of restricted funding sources for a course version will limit the enrolment of students in the course version to those fund sources.
  • Defining a restricted funding source as the default funding source will make it the default for students enrolling in the course version.

Updated 22 May 2002