Maintain Course Statuses - CRSF11A0


To allow the creation and maintenance of institution defined course statuses


Course Structure & Planning


Single Block

Course Status



Course Status


This form is used to record and maintain the set of institution defined course statuses . Course status classifies the state of activity of course versions, that is, whether course versions are active, inactive etc. Course Status is comparable to System Course Status but provides for greater flexibility by permitting classification at a more detailed level and the use of nomenclature familiar to the institution.


An institution might currently use (and not wish to change) the term CURRENT for a course which is active, PLANNED for a course which is in the planning process and the terms EXPIRED and CLOSED for courses which are no longer active but for different reasons. These institution statuses must be mapped to System Course Statuses, which are recognised by the System for other functionality, as shown in the table below.

Institution Defined Course Status


System Course Status


currently able to be enrolled in



planned for future use



has reached the end of a pre-determined period of availability and cannot be enrolled in pending review



will no longer be offered to students


To create a new course status using the Maintain Course Statuses form:

  1. Enter Insert Mode.
  2. Enter the desired name (or code) of the course status in the Course Status field of a blank record.
  3. Enter a meaningful description for the course status in the Description field.
  4. Select the appropriate system course status from the list of values (or key a valid value) in the System Course Status field.
  5. Save.

To delete a course status using the Maintain Course Statuses form:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.


  • If a course status has been used in the definition of a course, it cannot be deleted. It can be closed, preventing any further use, by selecting the Closed check box.

To modify a course status using the Maintain Course Statuses form:

  1. Find the record to be modified.
  2. Modify the record as required.
  3. Save.


  • If a course status has been used in the definition of a course , only the description can be modified. This is not recommended unless the change in description is minor and does not affect the meaning of the course status. A new course status should normally be created.
  • A course status can be closed, preventing any further use, by selecting the Closed check box.

Changes within this form will have the following notable effects: