Edit OLE Correspondence - CORF2333


To allow the recording, viewing and editing of an OLE item of correspondence




Single Block

Correspondence Detail (OLE)


Navigation Buttons invoke:

Back returns to previous form



Correspondence Detail


The processes leading up to the use of this form are described under Correspondence Detail (CORF2330). This form is invoked from CORF2330.

The form is used to save, view and modify an OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) correspondence item. The correspondence item is stored as an 'object' in the database. This means that within the System it becomes a picture of the correspondence, not an editable item. To view or edit the correspondence the System activates the application in which the correspondence was created. Editing is then done using the full capabilities of the helper application prior to saving back into the System. OLE correspondence items can be created and edited using many 'external' software applications.

Both manually generated and System generated correspondence can be created and stored in this way. System generated correspondence is not normally modified.


OLE can be used to store most types of correspondence including word processor, spreadsheet, graphic, sound and video correspondence. Correspondence can be created here but is more commonly created outside the System and copied into a file to be saved as an object in the System.

To store a copy of a correspondence item using the Edit OLE Correspondence form:

  1. Follow the instructions for CORF2310, CORF2320 and CORF2330 to arrive at this form. OLE must be defined as the format type in CORF2330.
  2. Click the right mouse button, in the OLE Object field, to display a pop up menu.
  3. Select Insert Object from the menu. A dialogue box will be displayed. In the dialogue box, there are radio buttons providing three options:
    · Create New will open the helper application to create a note in your chosen format. Note that the full functionality of the helper application is available.
    Create from File will permit an existing file residing on your computer or on a remote file server to be inserted as a note. The Link checkbox will permit the source file to be linked to the note so that changes in the source file are reflected in the note. (Use of this function is not recommended).
    · Create Control is not used for Callista purposes at this time.
  4. Select the Create New button and, from the Object Type menu, select the helper application in which the correspondence item is to be stored.
  5. Select the OK button. The helper application is started and a blank file is displayed. A correspondence item could be created here but it is more likely that the item already exists. In which case -
  6. Open the file containing the correspondence item.
  7. Copy its contents, close the file and paste them into the blank file.
  8. Close this file and toggle to the Callista application. A picture of the correspondence appears in the previously blank OLE Object field.
  9. Select the Back button. A dialogue box appears asking if you wish to save the changes.
  10. Select the Yes button.


  • Understanding Correspondence describes the entire process of recording correspondence.
  • The correspondence item must be registered using the Register Correspondence Item form (CORF2310) prior to storing a copy using this form.

To modify a copy of a correspondence item using the Edit OLE Correspondence form:

  1. Follow the instructions for CORF2310, CORF2320 and CORF2330 to arrive at this form.
  2. Double click the left mouse button, in the OLE Object field, to start the helper application. The existing correspondence is displayed by the helper application.
  3. Edit the correspondence using the features of the helper application.
  4. Close this file and toggle to the SIS application.
  5. Select the Back button. A dialogue box appears asking if you wish to save the changes.
  6. Select the Yes button.


  • Copies of correspondence items should not be edited once they have been sent to students.

To delete a copy of a correspondence item using the Edit OLE Correspondence form:



  • A copy of a correspondence item cannot be deleted using this form.
  • Correspondence items (and their copies) can be deleted using CORF2310. This is only possible where no records of students being sent the item exist. Check this in CORF2311.

Changes within this form will have the following notable effects: