Correspondence Detail - CORF2330


To allow the recording of further details of a correspondence item




Single Block

Correspondence Detail


Navigation Buttons invoke:

Text and OLE Edit/View Facility

Postscript Viewer Facility (future functionality)

Back returns to previous form




Correspondence Detail


Details of manually issued correspondence items are recorded using the Register Correspondence Item form (CORF2310). System generated correspondence is automatically recorded and can be queried using CORF2310. Copies of actual correspondence can be stored. This is an automatic process (but not a common one) for System generated correspondence.

This form allows a copy of the correspondence item referred to in CORF2310 to be stored, retrieved and in rare cases edited. It is used to record the format of the stored item and as an entry point to the editor/viewer for that item. Format types are:

  • Text - ASCII text format. Allows simple text based correspondence to be recorded and edited.
  • Postscript - Formatted text, viewed using a special postscript viewer.*
  • OLE - Object Linking and Embedding. Correspondence created in most software applications (including word processor and spreadsheet applications) is stored and retrieved using those applications.
  • Reference - Rather than recording a copy of an item within the System, this permits the location of a file containing a copy of the item to be recorded.
  • Undefined - The initial value for a new record. This must be changed in order to save a copy of an item.

The Edit navigation button invokes:

  • for Text format items, the Edit Text Correspondence form (CORF2332) which provides a window in which the text item is viewed and simple text editing is performed.
  • for OLE format items, the Edit OLE Correspondence form (CORF2333 ) which displays a picture of the item and allows the application in which the item was created to be invoked.

The View navigation button invokes a postscript viewer to display the correspondence item. *

The Back navigation button returns you to either the Register Correspondence Item form or the Maintain Outgoing Correspondence form, depending on which one you invoked this form from.

*Note: The postscript viewer function is not currently active. It is part of a future release.


Details of a correspondence item of type SPEC-LET (Special Letter) are recorded in CORF2310. This item is a letter sent to an individual student and we wish to store a copy of the letter on the System. The letter was created in Microsoft Word. In CORF2310, the record is displayed and the Detail navigation button selected. This form, CORF2330 is invoked with the correspondence type of our letter displayed. The record is assigned the format type OLE and saved, The Edit navigation button is selected to invoke CORF2333 where the letter copy is saved.


To store a copy of a correspondence item using the Correspondence Detail form:

  1. Find and select the correspondence item for which a copy is being stored using either CORF2310 or CORF2320.
  2. Select the Detail navigation button in the form used for step 1, to invoke this form. The correspondence type of the item is displayed.
  3. Select the appropriate format type for the item from the list of values (or key a valid value) in the Detail Format Type field. (Text or OLE only)
  4. Save.
  5. Select the Edit navigation button to invoke CORF2332 (text) or CORF2333 (OLE) to add the copy of the correspondence item.


  • Understanding Correspondence describes the entire process of recording correspondence.
  • The correspondence item must be registered using the Register Correspondence Item form (CORF2310) prior to storing a copy using this form.

To view a copy of a correspondence item using the Correspondence Detail form:

  1. Find and select the correspondence item you wish to view using either CORF2310 or CORF2320.
  2. Select the Detail navigation button in the form used for step 1, to invoke this form. The correspondence and format type of the item are displayed.
  3. Select the Edit navigation button to view text or OLE items. CORF2332 or CORF2333 are invoked for text or OLE respectively.
  4. Select the View navigation button to view postscript formatted items. A postscript viewer is invoked.*


To edit a copy of a correspondence item using the Correspondence Detail form:

  1. Find and select the correspondence item you wish to edit using either CORF2310 or CORF2320.
  2. Select the Detail navigation button in the form used for step 1, to invoke this form. The correspondence and format type of the item are displayed.
  3. Select the Edit navigation button to view text or OLE items. CORF2332 or CORF2333 are invoked for text or OLE respectively. See the instructions for those forms for further editing details.


  • Copies of correspondence items should not be edited once they have been sent to students.
  • Only text or OLE items can be edited.

To delete a copy of a correspondence item using the Correspondence Detail form:



  • A copy of a correspondence item cannot be deleted using this form.
  • Correspondence items (and their copies) can be deleted using CORF2310. This is only possible where no records of students being sent the item exist. Check this in CORF2311.


Changes within this form will have the following notable effects: