The Advanced Standing subsystem is used to record and maintain details of students' applications for advanced standing and the outcomes of those applications.
Phase 1 of the Advanced Standing subsystem provides the facility for recording approved applications. The main functions involved are:
- the recording of approved advanced standing and the granting of advanced standing up to limits specified for each course version in CRSF1210.
- the recording of units:
- for which advanced standing credit has been approved or
- which the student has been precluded from studying (and the recording of alternate units)
- the recording of unit levels for which credit has been approved
- the recording of approval details
Advanced Standing interacts with:
- the Course Structure and Planning subsystem to:
- apply limits to the amounts of advanced standing that can be granted within a given course attempt.
- the Admissions and Enrolments subsystems to:
- discontinue or delete units for which 100% advanced standing credit or preclusion has been granted and the unit is not identified as 'repeatable'
- prevent students from enrolling in units where 100% credit or 'preclusion' is the outcome of an advanced standing application
- grant advanced standing when the related student course attempt is ENROLLED (batch process)
- grant advanced standing on an exception basis to students with a course attempt status INTERMIT or INACTIVE
- expire advanced standing records where the student's course attempt is not changed from UNCONFIRM to ENROLLED prior to the record's expiry date (batch process)
These functions are discussed in detail in Understanding Advanced Standing.
Phase 2 is the future enhancement of this subsystem to include features such as:
- record details of advanced standing applications including:
- units applied for
- details of supporting documentary evidence
- associated fees (where applicable)
- the basis of the application
- maintain precedent details
- maintain assessor details
There are two components to the Advanced Standing subsystem:
- reference details recorded in Maintain Advanced Standing Configuration Details (ADVF1110) and Maintain System Advanced Standing Recognition Type (ADVF1120). Typically, reference details are recorded by a system administrator or functional area manager granted appropriate security access.
- approved and granted advanced standing records relating to individual student course attempts using the Create Advanced Standing Details form (ADVF4200). System security can be configured to limit the group of users able to create and/or view advanced standing records.
Users of this subsystem need a broad understanding of system wide features and functionality. This manual provides the necessary information in the System Overview chapter. Help for a specific topic can be found using the Index. The terminology used within the Advanced Standing subsystem is explained in the Subsystem Glossary section. Explanations of Advanced Standing concepts and the relationships between data are provided in the Understanding Advanced Standing section.