Purpose |
To allow the recording of institution defined admission categories and their mapping to Enrolment, Fee and Correspondence categories as well as their restriction to particular HECS Options and Course Types |
Subsystem |
Structure |
Single Block |
Overlays |
Enrolment Category Mapping Fee Category Mapping Correspondence Category Mapping HECS Option Mapping Course Type Restrictions |
For example, an admission category HDR-INTERN (higher degree-research, international students) could have HECS options 22, 23 and 24 (all of which relate to international students) associated with it. When recording an admission application of an international higher degree by research candidate (in ADMF3240) the only HECS options available would be 22, 23 and 24. For example, an admission category could be established to cater for non-award admission applications. Logically a course type 'non-award' would be one of the course types which could use this admission category and would be recorded in this form. It is unlikely that 'non -award' course types would also be included in another admission category. Any 'non -award' course offering options could only be assigned to the non-award admission category, or a 'global' category with no restrictions, as these are the only categories which would appear for those course offering options in the list of values in CRSF1320. |
Use this form to record institution defined Admission Categories and their mapping to Enrolment, Fee and Correspondence categories. This form is also used to restrict the HECS options available to particular admission categories and to restrict the admission categories in which particular course types are available.