Maintain Admission Category - ADMF2M20


To allow the recording of institution defined admission categories and their mapping to Enrolment, Fee and Correspondence categories as well as their restriction to particular HECS Options and Course Types




Single Block

Admission Category



Enrolment Category Mapping

Fee Category Mapping

Correspondence Category Mapping

HECS Option Mapping

Course Type Restrictions



  • Admission categories are used to define groups of applicants with similar admission process requirements. Every admission application is assigned an admission category when it is recorded (either via session details in the Direct Admission process or by the System in the TAC process). Each admission category will usually have a different data entry procedure and steps associated with it and will determine which screens and fields are available to users during the Direct Admissions process.

    For example, admission categories might include 'UNDER-HECS - undergraduate HECS liable' and 'HDR-INTERN - Higher degree by research (international students)'. Users recording applications assigned an 'international' admission category will usually be presented with the option to record the applicant's international details (via ADMF3000). When recording applications from local applicants (who will have a different admission category, such as UNDER-HECS), the option to record international details will be absent.
  • An admission category must (at least by the time the admission category is used for an admission application) be associated with at least one enrolment, fee and correspondence category, with one of each being nominated as a default. When an admission category is assigned to an application, the application inherits the default enrolment, fee and correspondence categories. These defaults can be overridden with one of the other enrolment, fee and correspondence categories associated with the admission category.
  • One or more HECS Payment Options can be associated with an admission category. This mapping is used to restrict the HECS payment options able to be recorded against an admission application in ADMF3240 (where the admission process category has the step FEE-ASS assigned to it). It is used only for particular admission categories where applicants are provided with fee estimates or invoices as part of the offer process and they are applicants to whom HECS fees do not apply.
    For example, an admission category HDR-INTERN (higher degree-research, international students) could have HECS options 22, 23 and 24 (all of which relate to international students) associated with it. When recording an admission application of an international higher degree by research candidate (in ADMF3240) the only HECS options available would be 22, 23 and 24.
  • Course type restrictions are applied to admission categories in order to broadly restrict the admission categories in which course offerings are available. Course offering options can be further restricted as to the admission categories in which they are available using CRSF1320. The Admission Category list of values in CRSF1320 contains those admission categories linked (in this form) to the course type of the course offering option displayed in CRSF1320 plus any admission categories with no course type restrictions.

    For example, an admission category could be established to cater for non-award admission applications. Logically a course type 'non-award' would be one of the course types which could use this admission category and would be recorded in this form. It is unlikely that 'non -award' course types would also be included in another admission category. Any 'non -award' course offering options could only be assigned to the non-award admission category, or a 'global' category with no restrictions, as these are the only categories which would appear for those course offering options in the list of values in CRSF1320.


Use this form to record institution defined Admission Categories and their mapping to Enrolment, Fee and Correspondence categories. This form is also used to restrict the HECS options available to particular admission categories and to restrict the admission categories in which particular course types are available.

  • Record the required admission categories as determined by the institution.
  • Assign a citizenship type to each admission category. Citizenship type is System defined and is used only to classify admission categories as to their application.
  • Record the enrolment categories which map to the selected admission category and select one enrolment category as the default.
  • Record fee and correspondence categories in the same way as enrolment categories.
  • Record the course types to which the admission category will be available. (Available when course offering options of the course type are linked to admission categories in CRSF1320)
  • Record the HECS payment options available to the admission category.


  • Once used in the System, admission categories cannot be deleted. Select the Closed indicator to prevent further use.
  • Once admission categories have been used in the System, only minor description modifications should be carried out.
  • Where an Enrolment, Fee or Correspondence Category is mapped to a single Admission Category, one and only one of each must be set as the default.
  • The citizenship type linked to an admission category cannot be changed if the admission category has been used to define an admission process in ADMF2M30.