Maintain Person Detail - ADMF1213


To permit the creation of person records. (i.e. Add users to the System)




Single Block



Navigation Buttons Invoke:

Basic Person Encumbrance Detail form

Maintain Alternate Person Identifiers form

Maintain Person Aliases form

Maintain Person Address Details form





The Maintain Person Details form is used to add people to the System, usually where the person is not a student. Particular uses include adding assessment supervisors who might otherwise not be known to the System and recording personal details of Callista users. This form can also be used to bar potential applicants who have been listed on the Australian Vice Chancellor's Committee list published each year.

Details can be displayed of a person who is already recorded on the System. Simple queries can be performed to retrieve person records where precise query criteria can be entered. Otherwise, the Find Person facility can be invoked from the form to perform more complex queries.

To display person details, for a person already recorded in the System, using the Maintain Person Details form:


  1. Enter Query mode.
  2. Enter the person's ID number or surname and at least part of a given name in the appropriate fields.
  3. Execute query.


if the person's ID number is not known it is preferable to:

  1. Select the Find Person icon. The Find Person form will be displayed.
  2. Follow the instructions for the Find Person form (ADMF1211).


To add a person to the System using the Maintain Person Details form:

  1. Enter Insert mode.
  2. Use the instructions above to check that the person is not already recorded in the System. If not:
  3. Enter the person's surname, given names and title in the appropriate fields.
  4. Enter the person's date of birth, sex, preferred given name and email address in the appropriate fields. (optional)
  5. If the person is a staff member, select the Staff Member checkbox.
  6. Save .
  7. To add alternate identifiers, aliases or addresses for the person, select the appropriate navigation button at the bottom of this form.


To modify details for a person, using the Maintain Person Details form:

  1. Locate the record to be modified using either of the methods described in 'To display person details….' (above).
  2. Modify the record as required.
  3. Save.
  4. If modifying alternative identifiers, aliases or addresses, use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the form to navigate to the correct maintenance form.


  • This function would normally be used for people with security access or casual/occasional staff members only, not for student details.

To bar a potential applicant using the Maintain Person Details form:

  1. Add a person to the System as described in 'To add a person....' (above).
  2. Select the Encumbrance navigation button. This navigates (in context) to the Maintain Basic Person Encumbrance Details form (ENRF6310). In this form, an institution defined encumbrance type can be selected to bar applicants from applying to the institution.
  3. Select Exit to return to this form.


  • This function is used to maintain the list of names, published by the Australian Vice Chancellor's Committee, of people who have attempted to apply for courses with falsified documentation.