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Purpose |
To compare data in a Completed Submission with an Incomplete Submission and create extract records accordingly. |
SubSystem |
Statistics |
Normally Run By | Statistics specialist | |
Anticipated Frequency | On demand, when the export is required. | |
Structure | Tab | Parameters |
This job generates extract records which identify differences between students' currently enrolled data and that which has been reported to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research
(NCVER) via the Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) reporting process. This job is only available to VET sector and cross sector institutions. It is accessed via the main menu and can only be run via the job scheduler in schedule mode. |
Parameters Tab
The following data is examined in the Government Snapshot VET tables to identify differences between nominated Complete and an Incomplete Submissions:
The job also checks for students who have a verified USI and identify reportable Qualifications and Subjects which have not previously been reported within a completed submission. Any differences identified by this job are recorded as records in the S_EXTRACT_RECORD table with S_EXTRACT_TYPE = USI_ADJ. Records which are identified via this process are used to update the Students USI Transcript using the USI Transcript update function within the AVETMISS Validation Software It is assumed that students who have been reported within a Completed Submission have been reported to the USI Office and exist on the Student's USI Transcript and have:
Note: A valid USI is a 10 digit string which has the valid characters of A-H, J-N, P-Z and numbers 2-9 and a USI Exemption is a code that has been issued by the government indicating the student is exempt from reporting a valid USI. e.g. SHORT, INTOFF, INDIV. Note that if any individual student record doesn’t require any extract records to be created for them, they are skipped and nothing is logged for them. |
For the submission records that match the job parameters, the checks below are made to determine if units or courses are either deleted, updated or new, and if there are any changes or additions to the student USIs. The identified changes are logged in the S_EXTRACT_RECORD table.
The tables below give details of the S_EXTRACT_RECORDs generated by this job. In these tables, the green rows are common to all USI_ADJ extract records and pink rows are the ones that describe the corrections.
This extract record will be created if a valid USI for an applicable student was changed to another valid USI or a valid USI for an applicable student was changed to an Exemption or NULL USI.
Data Source |
Example |
CREATION_DT | SYSDATE when s_extract record created. | 18/09/2017 1:25:08 PM |
KEY1 | completed gsev.submission_yr '-' completed gsev.submission_number | 2017 - 5 |
KEY2 | incomplete gsev.submission_yr '-' incomplete gsev.submission_number | 2018 - 1 |
KEY3 | completed gsev.org_unit_cd '-' completed gsev.ou_start_dt |
537 - 11/06/2002 |
KEY4 | completed gsev.person_id | 1007199549 |
KEY5 | completed gspv.person_usi | ABCDE12345 |
KEY6-10 | ||
'Previously Submitted USI -' completed gspv.person_usi '|' |
Previously Submitted USI - ABCDE12345 | |
This extract record will be created if a student has a valid USI listed in the Incomplete Submission that was missing in the Complete Submission.i.e. A NULL or Exempt USI or no GSEV record.
Data Source |
Example |
CREATION_DT | SYSDATE when s_extract record created. | 18/09/2017 1:25:08 PM |
KEY1 | completed gsev.submission_yr '-' completed gsev.submission_number | 2017 - 5 |
KEY2 | incomplete gsev.submission_yr '-' incomplete gsev.submission_number | 2018 - 1 |
KEY3 | completed gsev.org_unit_cd '-' completed gsev.ou_start_dt |
537 - 11/06/2002 |
KEY4 | completed gsev.person_id | 1007199549 |
KEY5 | completed gspv.person_usi | ABCDE12345 |
KEY6-10 | ||
'Non- Submitted USI - ' completed gspv.person_usi |
Non-submitted USI - ABCDE12345 |
In the nominated Completed Submission, for each record with Student Unit Attempt or Advanced Standing Unit record with a govt funding source in the GSEV table that has a valid USI listed in the GSPV table, the job checks to see if the matching unit is found in the GSEV table for the Incomplete Submission.
A DELETED_UNIT record is logged if:
Data Source |
Example |
CREATION_DT | SYSDATE when s_extract record created. | 18/09/2017 1:25:08 PM |
KEY1 | completed gsev.submission_yr '-' completed gsev.submission_number | 2017 - 5 |
KEY2 | incomplete gsev.submission_yr '-' incomplete gsev.submission_number | 2018 - 1 |
KEY3 | completed gsev.org_unit_cd '-' completed gsev.ou_start_dt |
537 - 11/06/2002 |
KEY4 | completed gsev.person_id | 1007199549 |
KEY5 | completed gspv.person_usi | ABCDE12345 |
KEY6 | completed gsev.course_cd '-' completed gsev.crv_version_number | GMH111-1 |
KEY7 | completed gsev.unit_cd '-' completed gsev.uv_version_number | GMH_VET_2-1 |
KEY8-10 | ||
'Deleted Activity start date - ' completed gsev.enr_activity_start_dt '|' |
Deleted Activity start date - 01/07/2017 | |
An UPDATE_UNIT record is logged, if a matching unit record is found in the Incomplete Submission, and the record has a valid USI in the GSPV and a govt funding source, and any of the following fields from the GSEV and GSUV tables have changed:
Data Source |
Example |
CREATION_DT | SYSDATE when s_extract record created. | 18/09/2017 1:25:08 PM |
KEY1 | completed gsev.submission_yr '-' completed gsev.submission_number | 2017 - 5 |
KEY2 | incomplete gsev.submission_yr '-' incomplete gsev.submission_number | 2018 - 1 |
KEY3 | completed gsev.org_unit_cd '-' completed gsev.ou_start_dt |
537 - 11/06/2002 |
KEY4 | completed gsev.person_id | 1007199549 |
KEY5 | completed gspv.person_usi | ABCDE12345 |
KEY6 | completed gsev.course_cd '-' completed gsev.crv_version_number | GMH111-1 |
KEY7 | completed gsev.unit_cd '-' completed gsev.uv_version_number | GMH_VET_2-1 |
KEY8-10 | ||
'Previously Submitted Activity start date - ' completed gsev.enr_activity_start_dt'|' |
Previously Submitted Activity start date - 01/07/2017 | |
The job looks at the nominated Incomplete Submission records for students with a valid USI and Unit attempts with a govt funding source and checks if a matching unit exists in the Completed Submission with a valid USI. (or if they didn’t have a funding source in the Completed Submission but do now). This also picks up any newly added Student Unit Attempt and Advanced Standing Units from a previous submission containing a valid USI.
A NEW_UNIT record is logged when:
The job also creates NEW_UNIT extract records when a new USI is found (NEW_USI above), or a USI is updated (UPDATE_USI above). When a new or different valid USI is found in the Incomplete Submission, it adds all units in the Incomplete Submission as NEW_UNITS, since they haven’t previously been reported due to the lack of a valid USI or due to a change to a new valid USI. Only units from the Incomplete Submission that have a govt funding source will be added. If the Submission Year differs, it also adds units from the Complete Submission as NEW_UNITS.
If the submissions are from different years, the job also checks the Complete Submission and adds all units with a govt funding source and a govt_outcome_cd not equal to 70 and log a USI-ADJ record as a NEW_UNIT in s_extract_record. i.e. Continuing units wont then be reported twice if they exist in the Complete and Incomplete years.
Data Source |
Example |
CREATION_DT | SYSDATE when s_extract record created. | 18/09/2017 1:25:08 PM |
KEY1 | completed gsev.submission_yr '-' completed gsev.submission_number | 2017 - 5 |
KEY2 | incomplete gsev.submission_yr '-' incomplete gsev.submission_number | 2018 - 1 |
KEY3 | completed gsev.org_unit_cd '-' completed gsev.ou_start_dt |
537 - 11/06/2002 |
KEY4 | completed gsev.person_id | 1007199549 |
KEY5 | completed gspv.person_usi | ABCDE12345 |
KEY6 | completed gsev.course_cd '-' completed gsev.crv_version_number | GMH111-1 |
KEY7 | completed gsev.unit_cd '-' completed gsev.uv_version_number | GMH_VET_2-1 |
KEY8-10 | ||
'Non-Submitted Activity start date - ' incomplete gsev.enr_activity_start_dt '|' |
Non-submitted Activity start date - 01/01/2018 | |
The job checks course level detail differences between Complete and Incomplete Submissions. For each record in the GSEV table for the Completed Submission, it checks to see if the matching course record is found in the GSEV table for the Incomplete Submission, if it is missing a 'DELETED_COURSE' record is logged. Note: Only students who have a valid USI listed against their Completed Submission are considered and if a student has completed the course in the Complete Submission and the Incomplete Submission is in a different Submission Year, then the course is not logged.
A DELETED_COURSE record may also be logged if:
Data Source |
Example |
CREATION_DT | SYSDATE when s_extract record created. | 18/09/2017 1:25:08 PM |
KEY1 | completed gsev.submission_yr '-' completed gsev.submission_number | 2017 - 5 |
KEY2 | incomplete gsev.submission_yr '-' incomplete gsev.submission_number | 2018 - 1 |
KEY3 | completed gsev.org_unit_cd '-' completed gsev.ou_start_dt |
537 - 11/06/2002 |
KEY4 | completed gsev.person_id | 1007199549 |
KEY5 | completed gspv.person_usi | ABCDE12345 |
KEY6 | completed gsev.course_cd '-' completed gsev.crv_version_number | GMH111-1 |
KEY7-10 | ||
'Deleted Program identifier - 'completed gsev.program_id '|' |
Deleted Program identifier - GMH111 | |
The job compares course details for matching courses in the Completed Submission and Incomplete Submission records and if any the Program ID, Program identifier or Year Program Completed values are different, then an UPDATED_COURSE record is logged.
Data Source |
Example |
CREATION_DT | SYSDATE when s_extract record created. | 18/09/2017 1:25:08 PM |
KEY1 | completed gsev.submission_yr '-' completed gsev.submission_number | 2017 - 5 |
KEY2 | incomplete gsev.submission_yr '-' incomplete gsev.submission_number | 2018 - 1 |
KEY3 | completed gsev.org_unit_cd '-' completed gsev.ou_start_dt |
537 - 11/06/2002 |
KEY4 | completed gsev.person_id | 1007199549 |
KEY5 | completed gspv.person_usi | ABCDE12345 |
KEY6 | completed gsev.course_cd '-' completed gsev.crv_version_number | GMH111-1 |
KEY7-10 | ||
'Previously Submitted Program identifier - ' completed gsev. program _id'|' |
Previously submitted Program identifier - GMH111 | |
The job looks at the Incomplete Submission records with a valid USI to see if the courses don’t exist in the Completed Submission with a valid USI. This picks up if any Student Course Attempts containing a valid USI were added since the a Completed Submission.
A NEW_COURSE record is logged in S_EXTRACT_RECORD when:
NEW_COURSE records are also logged when a new or updated USI is found. When a new valid USI is found in the Incomplete Submission, all courses in the Incomplete Submission are logged as NEW_COURSEs, since they haven’t previously been reported due to the lack of a valid USI or due to a change to a new valid USI. Only Courses from the Incomplete Submission that are not Unit-Only courses are logged as NEW_COURSEs.
If the Submission Year differs, the job also adds courses from the Complete Submission as NEW_COURSEs.
Note: The ‘Funding Source code (State/Territory) in the text field will be null if the course funding source is defined at the National level.
Data Source |
Example |
CREATION_DT | SYSDATE when s_extract record created. | 18/09/2017 1:25:08 PM |
KEY1 | completed gsev.submission_yr '-' completed gsev.submission_number | 2017 - 5 |
KEY2 | incomplete gsev.submission_yr '-' incomplete gsev.submission_number | 2018 - 1 |
KEY3 | completed gsev.org_unit_cd '-' completed gsev.ou_start_dt |
537 - 11/06/2002 |
KEY4 | completed gsev.person_id | 1007199549 |
KEY5 | completed gspv.person_usi | ABCDE12345 |
KEY6 | completed gsev.course_cd '-' completed gsev.crv_version_number | GMH111-1 |
KEY7-10 | ||
' Non-Submitted Program identifier - 'incomplete gsev.program_id'|' |
Non-submitted Program identifier - 7893247899 | |
If no differences are found between the Incomplete and Complete Submissions, then the job logs a NO_DIFFERENCE record in S_EXTRACT_RECORD.
Data Source |
Example |
CREATION_DT | SYSDATE when s_extract record created. | 18/09/2017 1:25:08 PM |
KEY1 | completed gsev.submission_yr '-' completed gsev.submission_number | 2017 - 5 |
KEY2 | incomplete gsev.submission_yr '-' incomplete gsev.submission_number | 2018 - 1 |
KEY3 | completed gsev.org_unit_cd '-' completed gsev.ou_start_dt |
537 - 11/06/2002 |
KEY4-10 | ||
'No differences have been identified for the Incomplete and Complete Submissions.' |
No differences have been identified for the Incomplete and Complete Submissions. |
Last Modified on 10-Oct-2017 5:48 PM
History Information
Release Version | Project | Change to Document |, & | 1662 - Compliance - USI Corrections | New Online Help page. |