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JBSF5230 - Maintain Request Job Output Destinations
Purpose |
allow the creation and maintenance of Output Destinations for a job within
a request, and as an access to the form used to re-send existing output |
Subsystem |
Job Control & Scheduling |
Normally Run By | Job Control Specialist | |
Anticipated Frequency | As required | |
Structure | Blocks | Job Output |
Job Ouput Destination | ||
Buttons | Job Run Output (JBSF5410) | |
Find Person |
Job Output block The creation of Output Destinations for jobs may be handled in different ways, depending on how a job's Outputs were defined when the job was created. These are explained in the section Output from Jobs in the Subsystem introduction. Where permitted, this form allows a user to specify destinations at request time for any Output files which will be produced by a job. This block mainly provides context information for each numbered Output file defined for a job. The first four check boxs in the block are a group. They are for information only. If the Override Options check box is set, showing that the user is permitted to add or alter destinations for this Output, then the check boxs to the right of it show which destinations may be changed. The Delete Output check box can be set by the user if the Override Options check box is set. The System will delete the Output file once the information has been sent to its destination(s). It will not be available to re-send. The Job Run Output button navigates to the Inquire On Job Run Outputs (JBSF5410) form, where existing Output from the Output file and job selected in this block can be re-sent. This form is navigated to from JBSF5210, via the Job Output button (bottom block). For example, a job producing class lists has two Output files. The first Output, the class list, is to be printed. The second Output is an advice message that the class list is available, and is to be sent as an email to the class tutor. The printed list has been set up as Job Output Number 1, the email as Job Output Number 2. The destination printer specified for Output 1 is mandatory - this is apparent because the Override Options check box for this Output has not been set. When the user requests this job for a particular class, he/she needs to supply the appropriate tutor's email address as a destination for Output 2. This is possible because for this Output, the Override Options check box is set, together with the Allow Email check box. Job Output Destination block In this block, destinations of different types (Printer and/or Email) can be specified and maintained for the Job Output identified by number in the block above. A 'set' of destination types - Printer and Email shown for one destination number - is a single destination record. If an Output Destination has been included as an option in the job definition, it is displayed in this block as the default. Such a destination can be changed if the Override check box shows that a user is permitted to do this. Where a printer is an allowable destination but one has not already been specified with the job, the user's preferred printer is inserted as the default, if this has been set up in the Maintain Person Preferences (SECF0066) form. Access to this form is by zoom from the principal request form, or from a menu. If the Override Options check box is set Specifying destination data depends on how the job has been defined. The Override check boxs are the guide to what is permitted for each Output selected. These are the possibilities:
For example, a job has an Output file intended for printing. The user wants a copy of this Output to be directed to a printer in the Engineering Faculty. No Output option is specified for the job, but the user has recorded his preferred printer (which is in Student Records) in the Maintain Person Preferences (SECF0066) form. This printer is shown as the default in this block. When he creates a request for this job, he can either:
The Job Output block contains:
The Job Output Destination block contains:
Printer sub block
Email sub block
To select the context Job Output, and set the Delete Output check box, using the Maintain Request Job Output Destinations form:
Rules/Notes: If the Override Options check box is set, then a check mark in Allow Print and/or Allow Fax and/or Allow Email indicates that a user is permitted to add or alter that destination. |
To record a new destination or destinations against a Job Output, using the Maintain Request Job Output Destinations form:
Rules/Notes: The System checks that destinations exist for all specified Job Outputs when a request is submitted. More than one destination of the same type can be assigned to a single Job Output by creating a separate record for each destination. Depending on the job specification, it might be permissible to specify all three destination types (Printer, Fax and Email) against a single Output. Alternatively, the job may have been set up with separate Output files for each type of destination. The Override check box will indicate the possibilities for a particular Output. |
To modify a destination recorded against a Job Output, using the Maintain Request Job Output Destinations form:
To delete a destination recorded against a Job Output, using the Maintain Request Job Output Destinations form:
Last Modified on 15 January, 2004