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FINJ4430 - Expire Fee Sponsorship
Purpose |
To set a status indicating that a Student's Fee Sponsorship for a Course Attempt has expired |
SubSystem |
Finance |
Normally Run By | Fee Specialist | |
Anticipated Frequency | Nightly | |
Structure | Block | Expire Fee Sponsorship |
Tab | Parameters |
Update Process The process checks Student Course Attempt sponsorship records for sponsorship End Dates prior to the Current Date. Where this is the case, it changes the status of the Student Course Attempt Sponsorship record and each associated Fee Liability record from an active status to one indicating that the record has expired. (Institution defined Fee Sponsorship Statuses are established and mapped to System Fee Sponsorship Statuses in the form Maintain Fee Sponsorship Statuses, FINF1B00.) Run Details Method The job runs in batch mode, through the Job Control & Scheduling Subsystem. It is recommended that the job is run nightly as a standing request. Outcome The changed statuses can be seen in the form Direct Assignment of Sponsorships (FINF4300). Job Error Handling When errors/exceptions occur in this job they will not cause the job to fail. information, warning or error messages are logged in S_LOG_ENTRY and if a system error is raised, information is logged to the S_LOG_ENTRY and S_ERROR_LOG tables and the job continues onto the next record. Entries in S_LOG_ENTRY have an S_LOG_TYPE of ‘FSSEXPIRED’ and include detials of:
Note: Information only supplied if it is available and appropriate to the processing where the system message or system error was recorded. Otherwise the data element will be NULL. A Summary of Processing by this job can be can be viewed in the run log - see JBSF5301. This summary includes the total number of records processed, with sub-totals of the number of records processed successfully and the number of records with errors.
It also includes a count of the total number of system log entries created and a message referring the user to the system log for details of errors.
See example below: Important: Note that in order for this summary information to be included in the run log, the PASS_RJR_ID_IND value for this job, must be set to 'Y' in the S_JOB table. |
The Expire Fee Sponsorship block contains: Parameters Tab
Rule/Notes: If an institution has more than one Fee Sponsorship Status mapped to the system defined status of EXPIRED, it is necessary to chose the status required. If only one status has been mapped to EXPIRED, this is the parameter default. Statuses
are established in the form Maintain Fee Sponsorship Statuses, FINF1B00.
An error is generated during processing if the fee sponsorship status supplied as a parameter is invalid or closed. |
Underlying Process
Last Modified on: 29-May-2008 8:26 PM
History Information
Release Version | Project | Change to Document | | 1350 - Job Error Handling | Modified incorrect Parameter details. |