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A Charles Darwin University (CDU) Tax Clinic is helping students and other low-income earners push back against the rising cost of living with free tax claim assistance.

CDU has launched its free tax clinic to assist unrepresented taxpayers to complete their returns and identify tax deductions.

CDU accounting lecturer and clinic organiser Raul David said that it can sometimes be difficult for people to do their returns, let alone do their homework on deductions.

Charles Darwin University (CDU) students got a taste of First Nations culture at the recent Daminmin festival held at the Pudakul Billabong, on Limilngan-Wulna country.

Spanning two days, the event provided a unique opportunity for attendees to immerse themselves in First Nations cultural and art practices.

CDU PhD candidate Vanessa Solano-Rivera said they were thrilled to have welcomed a diverse range of students to the annual festival.

A Charles Darwin University (CDU) study shows for the first time how animal biodiversity can be measured for assessing how well an ecosystem has been restored.

According to CDU Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods ecologist and lead author of the study, Professor Alan Andersen, specific standards are required for assessing how well animal communities have been restored.

“Animal biodiversity is critical if the goal is full ecosystem restoration,” Professor Andersen said.

A Charles Darwin University (CDU) study investigating physical movement mechanisms of marine life and debris has dispelled assumptions and helped to improve knowledge of the ‘data-limited’ Gulf of Carpentaria.

Ocean currents and their influence on marine ecosystems across Northern Australia are somewhat of a mystery because of their sheer size and complexity, and the high costs of conducting exploratory fieldwork in remote locations.

Drawing by Charlie Flannigan
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New teaching and training facilities to be built at Charles Darwin University (CDU) will unlock education potential across Northern Australia, preparing for a future where the dual sector University will reinvigorate industry growth in trades and manufacturing.

CDU’s new Trades Training Facility is ready for development, with tender applications for construction now being assessed and a decision anticipated by the end of the month.

A Charles Darwin University (CDU) PhD candidate has been named a National Geographic Explorer in recognition of her exceptional work researching upstream solutions to food and nutrition insecurity in coastal communities.  

CDU researcher Lucinda (Lulu) Middleton received this prestigious title as part of a National Geographic Society grant.

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