Key encounter 4:an education session with a 'new' patient
The potential for effective communication was greatly increased by the
participation of an interpreter in this encounter but this potential
was not realised for a number of reasons:
- the opportunities for the interpreter to translate were inconsistant
and inadequate(the staff member was not trained to work with interpreters
and the patient had no previous experience of 'formal' interpreting
in such an encounter)
- biomedical concepts which were unfamiliar to the interpreter and
those which could not could not be directly translated were not adequately
- the encounter focused on the staff member's communication
priorities and knowledge and those of the patient were excluded or marginalised
- the interpreter was a family member and her participation was opportunistic,
not planned, and she was not paid for her work
- although fluent in conversational English and familiar with other
medical areas, the interpreter has had no formal training in medical
interpreting or specific experience in renal care
Click here to download a more detailed exploration of this encounter.