STAF112R - Maintain VET Government Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander


To enable the creation and maintenance of VET Government Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander codes.




Single Block


VET Government Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander


This function provides institutions with the ability to create and maintain government Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Codes in accordance with the AVETMISS Documentation for the statistical details collection.

This is a VET specific function, performing similar functionality to that of STAF112D Maintain Government Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Codes, as used in the DETYA statistical reporting process for HE students.



To create a new VET Government Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander type:

  1. Enter Insert mode.
  2. Enter the new code in the VET Government Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander field of a blank record.
  3. Enter the corresponding description for this record in the Description field.
  4. Save.


  • Institution defined VET Government Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander codes MUST be unique. 



To modify a VET Government Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander type:

  1. Find the record to be modified.
  2. Modify the record as required.
  3. Save.


  • Once in use, a VET Government Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander should not be modified.


To delete a VET Government Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander type:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.


  • A VET Government Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander code cannot be deleted if it has been used in a person record. It can be closed preventing any further use by selecting the Closed check box.


Changes within this form will have the following notable effects:


Updated 24 July 2002