record the set of available user security roles which define broad access
to the System. |
Block |
Security Role |
System Security Role
security role is the primary means of controlling the access which users
have to the System. Security roles are analogous to staffing functions
in that a security role can be set up to provide the System access which
a person carrying out a particular function requires to be able to perform
that function. The same person would be excluded from access to areas
of the System not defined by the security role assigned to them. A person
may have more than one role assigned to them, recognising that the person
may have cross functional responsibilities or that a particular role
may be relevant to staff performing different business functions. Security
roles can define the type of access to data, i.e. Select, Insert, Update
or Delete access, by virtue of their object grants. All
security roles are created by a DBA/Application Support Administrator.
The security roles to be made available to users are then recorded using
this form. The
functions (menus, forms, jobs) available to a security role are recorded
in SECF0063.
The object grants required for use of each granted function are automatically
associated with the role either when the Reconcile Object Grants button
is selected in SECF0063 or when the job SECJ0070 is run for that role. A
number of security roles are included as part of an Oracle (release
8 and greater) installation and appear in LOVs in this form.
They are not directly relevant to Callista
and should not be selected from the LOV. These are Database Administrator
roles and should not be granted to users. Your Database Administrator
should be consulted before creating a record for a particular role. As
a guide, in Oracle 8.0.5 the following roles will be displayed but don't
pertain to Callista. No security role record should be created for these:
addition, the following roles which are required for Callista operation
should not have a security role record created for them:
roles which are used dynamically by Callista will appear in the Security
Role LOV and should not have a security role record created for them.
They are:
record a system security role's availability using the Maintain Security
Roles form: |
remove a system security role's availability using the Maintain Security
Roles form: |
Modified on 11 March 2002