Completion Message Rules

Callista uses institution definable rules to determine completion by students of course attempts, course stages and unit set attempts.  Completion message rules are used to construct the messages that are displayed in PRGF9030` when a completion rule check is performed. Messages are a string of characters returned by the message rule and may contain text strings concatenated with data values applicable to the student.

If a student course attempt is tested against the completion rule 'Must pass 24 credit points' and the rule is failed by virtue of the student only having completed 22 credit points, a message rule is invoked. That message rule constructs a message such as 'Has achieved 22 credit points.' for display in PRGF9030 and Callista Connect, thus explaining the rule failure. The message rule determines the value '22' from the student's course attempt and inserts it in the relevant text string 'Has achieved credit points.'.

 A set of completion message rules is supplied with Callista. Institutions can modify these rules using RULF2001.

To determine which completion rule a particular completion message rule is related to:

·         Note the rule text of the completion rule as displayed in its maintenance form.

·         In RULF2001 use some of this rule text as query criteria in the Comments field (invoked via the Comments button).

·         Scroll through the 'Comments' returned by the query until the correct completion rule text is found. The Rule Description for this record identifies the completion message rule.

·         Use the Rule Text button to display the message rule.

A course version completion rule for a course, as displayed in CRSF1700, contains the rule 'Must pass 2 units in {MAA101,MAA103,MEA101,MEE101,MEE102}'. To locate its corresponding message rule, the query criteria 'Must pass%units in%' can be used in the Comments field of RULF2001. Executing this query may result in more than one record being returned, as a number of rules may contain the text strings 'Must pass' and 'units in'. Scroll through the records until the correct 'Comment' is displayed, in this case 'Must pass #NUMERIC units in #SET'. The Rule Description field identifies the message rule, in this case 'COMP-1586' and by using the Rule Text button, the message rule is displayed in the Rule Text field. The rule text in this case might be something like '`Has completed `+VALID_UNITS_USED+`. Requires `+NUMBER_OF_ADDITIONAL_UNITS_REQUD+` more units.`'.


The table contains all available options. A specific message rule will only have a small subset of these options available to it, determined by the nature of its corresponding completion rule. The available options for a specific message rule are displayed when the rule is being edited in RULF2000.

Note: This table may not always contain the full list of rule options, as options may be added to Callista without notice. RULF2000 will always display the full set of options available to each message rule.

Rule Options



Accent symbol is used before and after strings of text.


Plus symbol concatenates strings of text and data values.

e.g. `William`+`Shakespeare` returns WilliamShakespeare.


Number of passed credit points plus number of granted advanced standing credit points for the student course attempt. (Note: Includes credit points for recommended outcomes in some rules)


The calculated Grade Point Average for completed units in the student course attempt.


The calculated Weighted Average mark for completed units in the student course attempt.


Number of units from the set of units specified in the completion rule that satisfy the requirements of that rule.


The set of units selected by the completion rule that contribute to satisfying that rule.


The set of completed courses selected by the completion rule that contribute to satisfying its rule criteria.


The total number of credit points attributable to units granted a conceded pass in the student course attempt.


The total number of credit points achieved for units from the set of units satisfying the completion rule's criteria.


The total number of credit points specified as a course requirement of the student course attempt.


Joins two options in an IF statement. Syntax is 'IF condition THEN text ELSE text END IF'.


Signifies the end of an IF statement. Syntax is 'IF condition THEN text ELSE text END IF'.


Starts an IF statement specifically related to whether or not the completion rule is testing for actual completion or predicted completion (Predictive indicator is set in PRGF9030). Syntax is 'IF PREDICTIVE THEN text ELSE text END IF'.

IF (inserts IF)

The start of an IF statement of the form  'IF condition THEN text ELSE text END IF'.


The number of credit points attributable to passed units at the unit level(s) specified in the completion rule.


The total number of credit points attributable to units for which a conceded pass has been granted - where the completion rule specifies a maximum allowable number.


The total number of units for which a conceded pass has been granted - where the completion rule specifies a maximum allowable number.


The total number of credit points attributable to passed units that contribute to satisfaction of the completion rule - where the completion rule specifies a minimum requirement.


The total number of passed units that contribute to satisfaction of the completion rule - where the completion rule specifies a minimum requirement.


The calculated difference between the number of required courses completed by the student and the number of required completed courses specified by the completion rule.


The calculated difference between the number of required unit sets completed by the student and the number of required completed unit sets specified by the completion rule.


The calculated difference between the number of required units completed by the student and the number of required units specified by the completion rule.


The total number of units in the student course attempt that have been granted conceded passes.


Used in conjunction with the IF option when the related completion rule considers the Predictive indicator in PRGF9030.


The set of units specified in the completion rule, less those units that already contribute to satisfying the rule.


The unit levels specified as criteria in the related completion rule.


Used in an IF statement. Returns True or False. Syntax is 'IF STUDENT_UNIT_SETS_SELECTED THEN text ELSE text END IF'.


The set of units contributing to satisfaction of the related completion rule. May include translated units as well as units from the specified set.


The number of units selected by the criteria specified in the related completion rule.


The set of unit sets contributing to satisfaction of the related completion rule. Can only include unit sets from the specified set.


The set of units contributing to satisfaction of the related completion rule. Can only include units from the specified set. Does not include translations.


Last modified on 11 March 2002