Accessing the System

The way that you access Callista will depend on your computer's operating system and how your computer is set up. Instructions for accessing the system will be provided as part of initial training. Consult your System Administrator for advice.

Pre-requisites for Accessing the System

The instructions for accessing the system assume the following:

If any of these items are absent, you may need to contact your system administration person.

Logging On

You will receive instruction as to the current method for logging on to the system.

Logging Off

To log off from the system, close all active Callista windows.



Obtaining a Password

Currently, you require a specific password to access Callista. Your normal email password will not work. You will be issued with a temporary password as part of the process of providing you with security access to the system.

Restrictions on Passwords

There are a number of general rules regarding the selection of passwords that apply to most systems. In the case of Callista, follow these rules:

Password Security

Never divulge your password to another person for any reason. Avoid using obvious passwords (such as your name) and writing your password where someone else may find it.

Changing Your Password

You should change your password:

To change your password:

Note: During this process your passwords will be displayed as asterisks.

  1. Select Action from the menu bar.
  2. Select Change Password from the drop down menu. The Password Update form will be displayed.
  3. Check that the Username displayed on the form is correct.
  4. Enter your current password in the Old Password field.
  5. Enter your new password in the New Password field.
  6. Re-enter your new password in the Re-enter Password field.
  7. Click on the OK button to apply the change to your password.
  8. A message displays to advise you if the change has been successful.
  9. If the change was not successful, follow the instructions in the messages on the screen

General Security

Callista contains information of a confidential nature. As a Callista user you are obligated to maintain that confidentiality by ensuring that you maintain security over the data contained in the system. Do not leave logged on Callista sessions unattended, either log off or lock your computer. Keep reports, screen dumps etc. under your control and secure at all times. Student information should not be divulged to another party except in accordance with normal business practices.


Access to database forms, functions, jobs and reports is usually via a menu or set of menus. The menus you can access are determined by your system administrator. The system administrator is able to customise menus for particular users or groups of users. Thus the menu(s) you see may be different to the menu(s) other users see. You are also able to configure a menu yourself using the Favourites option and, depending on your Callista security profile, choose the menu structure you see when you start up a Callista session.

Top Menu

Your top menu is the first menu displayed when you enter the System. Navigation to other menus, forms and jobs starts here.

Menu Appearance

Menu Title Bar

The Menu Title Bar is displayed at the top of each of your basic menus. (It is not displayed in Favourites, Alpha List or History menus) An example of a menu title bar appears below.

This same title bar can be seen in the picture of a typical Callista menu (basic menu)(ovw31). The title bar contains the description of the displayed menu. Above the bar, in brackets, is the name of the menu, which can be used in the Go To function.

Each menu contains a number of standard components. These are described in the following table. Some menus may not contain all components.

Menu Components




Selection buttons

used to select a menu item. Selection buttons invoke the adjacent menu option indicated by the arrow.

Folder icon

indicates that the menu item is a sub menu.

Form icon

indicates that the menu item is a form.

Job icon

indicates that the menu item is a job. Jobs include System processes and reports.

Previous Menu Button

displays the next higher menu in the menu structure. If you are at your top menu, this button is not displayed.

Favourites Button

displays your Favourites menu. This is a menu which you are able to configure for quick access to your most used forms and jobs. Maintenance of your Favourites menu is described below.

Alpha List Button

displays an alphabetical menu of all the forms and jobs available to you. The content of this menu is controlled by your security profile.

History Button

Displays a menu of your most recently used forms and jobs, in order, from the most recent. This menu is controlled by the System.

Go To Button

Invokes a dialogue box which permits direct navigation to menus, forms and jobs. Use of the Go To function is described below.

Using Menus

The flexibility of the menu facility means that there are a number of ways in which you can use it. With use, you will be able to determine the method which best suits you.

Using the Basic Menus

The basic menus are those that are displayed automatically as a result of your particular security profile. Navigation through these menus is achieved by using selection buttons to select menu items (folders, forms or jobs) or by selecting the Previous Menu button (to return to the previous menu displayed).

Maintaining and Using Your Favourites Menu

Your Favourites menu can be set up to display the forms and jobs that you use most often, bypassing the need to navigate through the basic menus.

The Favourites menu is accessed by selecting the Favourites navigation button in any basic menu. Forms and jobs are selected from this menu in the same manner as other menus. To exit the Favourites menu without selecting a menu item, select the Return navigation button. This will return you to the last basic menu displayed.

You can add items to your Favourites menu by the following process.

  • Access your Favourites menu via the navigation button in any basic menu.
  • Select the Maintain Favourites navigation button at the bottom of the menu. The Maintain Person Menu Favourites form (secf0065) will be displayed.
  • Enter a number value for the position in which you would like the new menu item to appear, in relation to other menu items, in the Order field of a blank record. Menu items will appear in numerical order, lowest to highest number. (Tip: Leave numbers out of the sequence. This will permit the addition of new items between existing items. E.g. Numbering items 1,3,5,.. etc. will permit the addition of a menu item 2 at a later date, if required)
  • Either
    • Select the appropriate form code from the list of values (or key a valid form code) in the Form field or
    • Select the appropriate job code from the list of values (or key a valid job code) in the Job field.
  • Save
  • Close the form. Your Favourites menu will again be displayed.

You can delete items from your Favourites menu by the following process.

  1. Access your Favourites menu via the navigation button in any basic menu.
  2. Select the Maintain Favourites navigation button at the bottom of the menu. The Maintain Person Menu Favourites form (SECF0065) will be displayed.
  3. Select the menu item to be deleted.
  4. Delete Record.
  5. Save.
  6. Close the form. Your Favourites menu will again be displayed.

You can re-order items in your Favourites menu by the following process.

  1. Access your Favourites menu via the navigation button in any basic menu.
  2. Select the Maintain Favourites navigation button at the bottom of the menu. The Maintain Person Menu Favourites form (SECF0065) will be displayed.
  3. Change the order numbers of records where required. (Note: Numbers do not have to be sequential. The System will also handle more than one item with the same order number by grouping these items together on your menu.
  4. Save.
  5. Close the form. Your Favourites menu will again be displayed.
Using the Menu 'Go To' Function

The Go To function permits direct navigation to any form or job to which you have security access, thus bypassing the need to navigate through menus. To use this function you will need to have become familiar with the names of the forms and jobs which you use. These names are displayed in the title bars of forms (eg. ENRF3000) and the title bars of jobs (eg. ENRR0035).

The Go To function involves the following steps.

  1. In any basic menu, select the Go To navigation button. The Go To dialogue box will be displayed.
  2. Enter the form or job name in the Go To field.
  3. Select the OK button. If a valid form or job name for which you have access privileges was entered, the form or job will be displayed.

Controlling Your Default Menu

If you have multiple Callista security roles, Callista determines the content of your default (or top) menu (the menu you see when you start a Callista session). It does this by selecting one of the default menus belonging to one of your security roles. The selection of a default menu also controls your access to functionality through the menu structure although it does not limit your access via the Go To function.

For example, if you have both Enrolment Officer and Fee Officer security roles, your menu structure might contain the sub-menus, forms, jobs and reports from only the Fee Officer role. You could still access Enrolment menus and functions using the Go To button, but this may not be as convenient or as easy as using menus.

 If you perform the two roles at different times you can specify which role's menu structure is displayed for you.

For example, if you act as a Fee Officer for discrete periods of time, you can choose to see only Fee Officer related menu items during these periods and only Enrolment Officer menu items during the remaining time. You can still use the Go To function to access all menu items allowed by all your security roles.

To choose or change your default menu structure:

1.        Click on the Select Role Menu button in any menu that you can currently access.

2.        In the displayed screen, select the role that your preferred menu is associated with. The default menu for that role will be displayed when you click on OK and exit the screen.

3.        If you check the Restrict Menu to Specified Role checkbox, only those menu items enabled by the selected role will appear in the menu. The Go To function will still allow access to all items for which your roles give permission.

4.        Click on OK to exit the screen and save the record. The preferred default menu is displayed.

Last Modified on 11 March 2002