CRSF12H0 - Maintain Course Occupation Type


The purpose of this function is to maintain course occupation types.


Course Structure and Planning


Two Blocks

Course Version

Course Occupation Type


Maintain Course Occupation Type


One or more occupation types are assigned to each course version to identify the types of occupations that may be expected for those undertaking the course or program of study. This mapping will be enforced for all VET-sector courses when set to ACTIVE, and will be used to derive the required ASCO (Occupation Type) information for AVETMISS reporting.


Invoked From CRSF1210 Maintain Course Version. Course Version passed in context.

Start Up Mode
In context of current record when invoked from CRSF1210 Maintain Course Version.


To create a new Course Occupation Type:

  1. Enter the new code in the Course Occupation Type field of a blank record.
  2. Enter the corresponding description for this record in the Description field.
  3. If appropriate, check the Major Outcome Indicator.
  4. Save.


  • One and only one Course Occupation Type record can must have the Major Outcome indicator set to Yes
  • A Course Occupation Type record cannot be created for a closed Occupation Type.
  • A Course Occupation Type record cannot be inserted, deleted or updated if the Course Version is INACTIVE.


To modify a Course Occupation Type:

  1. Find the record to be modified.
  2. Modify the record as required.
  3. Save.


  • Once in use, a Course Occupation Type should not be modified.


To delete a Course Occupation Type:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.


  • A Course Occupation Type can be closed preventing any further use by selecting the Closed check box.


Changes within this form will have the following notable effects:


Updated 11 November, 2002