The Repeatable Indicator
Maintain Unit Details form (CRSF2210)
The intent of the repeatable indicator is to allow students to enrol in and pass a single unit code more than once and on each occasion receive academic credit which contributes towards the satisfaction of course requirements. (In other words, passing the unit for a second time doesn't override the student's first pass in the unit.)
The concept is
- if the indicator is set to Y, then a student who has already enrolled in the unit once can enrol in it again, or
if the indicator is set to Y, then a student who has already enrolled in and passed the unit once can enrol again in order to improve their results
Both of the above scenarios are allowed even when the indicator is set to N.
The default setting for the repeatable indicator is 'No' (deselected).
Typical Usage
The indicator will be set to Y only on a limited number of occasions. The following is a typical scenario:
- Certain self directed units such as 'Independent Study,' 'Minor Thesis,' 'Literature Review' and the like will have the repeatable indicator set to Y. Predominantly these units will also be classified as 'research' (another indicator in CRSF2210) and have the 'over-ride title' indicator set (CRSF2210)
- The student will enrol in ABC123 Independent Study, then change the title to something which describes their area of research.
- Upon successful completion of ABC123 the student will gain academic credit towards completion of their course
- The student can then enrol in and repeat ABC123 Independent Study and change the tile again to reflect their next area of research.
- Again, upon successful completion of ABC123 (for the second time) the student will gain further academic credit towards completion of their course
Callista Validations
Validations to support the typical usage described above have yet to be developed.
The Repeatable Indicator and Advanced Standing
- Because unit code is part of the primary key, advanced standing can only be approved / granted once in any given unit within the same student course attempt (including 'repeatable' units.)
- If advanced standing is approved in a unit which is marked as 'repeatable' and the student is also enrolled in the unit:
- the Advanced Standing Batch Granting process will not automatically discontinue the student's enrolment - rather the granting and the concurrent unit enrolment will be reported in the advanced Standing Granting Report and an administrator will have to make the decision whether or not to manually discontinue the concurrent unit enrolment.
- The Advanced Standing On-line Granting process will not automatically discontinue the student's enrolment - rather a warning message will be displayed and an administrator will have to make the decision whether or not to manually discontinue the concurrent unit enrolment.