Rollover Calendar Instance - CALF0320


To provide a quick method for the creation of new calendars based on an existing calendar instance, its related subordinate calendar instances and associated date alias instances




Two Blocks

Calendar Instance

Calendar Instance Relationship


Navigation Button invokes:

Rollover Calendar process



Calendar Instance


A calendar instance defines a particular occurrence of a calendar type and is defined by assigning a start and end date to the calendar type. A calendar instance may have many date alias instances (calendar events) associated with it. It may also have a number of subordinate calendars related to it.

This form is displayed as part of the process (described below) which enables a calendar instance, its related subordinate calendar instances and associated date alias instances to form the basis for the creation of a new, similar, calendar instance. In creating a calendar instance in this way, related information is also created without the need to laboriously re-enter data.

This block displays the calendar instance (carried forward from the Maintain Calendar Types form) to be rolled over and the start and end dates of the new calendar.


Calendar instance SEMESTER1, 01/01/97-30/06/97 can be used to create the new calendar instance SEMESTER1, 01/01/98 - 30/06/98via the rollover process. The process also carries forward to the new calendar any related dates (such as 'start of lectures') and any subordinate calendars (such as exam or fee calendars) which were attached to the source calendar.

To create a new calendar instance (its date alias instances and its associated subordinate calendar instances) from an existing calendar instance using the Calendar Rollover process:

  1. Make yourself fully aware of the rules pertaining to the Rollover Calendar process.
  2. In the Maintain Calendar Types form (CALF0220), select the calendar instance to be rolled over. (i.e. used as the basis for the new calendar)
  3. Select the Rollover Calendar navigation button. The Rollover Calendar Instance form (CALF0320) will be displayed with the selected calendar instance as the context record in the top block.
  4. Enter the start date of the new calendar in the Rollover Start Date field. The Rollover End Date will be entered by the System on moving from this field.
  5. Select the Rollover Calendar button at the bottom of the form. You will be asked if you wish to continue with the process.
  6. Click YES. You will be advised that the process was successful and production of the rollover report will commence.
  7. Click OK to commence production of the rollover report (CALR0320). This report is described under Standard Reports Listing.
  8. Print the report NOW. (Changes within the System may make it impossible to accurately reproduce the report at a later time.)
  9. Check the report for expected results and exceptions.


  • The Rollover process cannot be undone. It is necessary to manually delete all new details in order to reverse the process.
  • All new calendars resulting from this process have system status PLANNED.
  • Inactive calendar instances and calendar instances with closed calendar type cannot be rolled.
  • A user cannot roll calendars for which he/she has a calendar category restriction.
  • The Rollover Start Date must be after the start date of the existing calendar instance.
  • A calendar cannot be rolled to an instance which already exists.
  • When rolling an ACADEMIC calendar, the new instance will default to the next year.
  • The process rolls alternate codes of existing calendars to the alternate codes of the new calendars, except in the case of ACADEMIC calendars where the alternate code = the year to which the calendar refers.
  • Where the System cannot determine the offset of a date alias instance (due to non-existence of its offset date alias instance or the offset date alias' calendar instance) it will be created but with no absolute value or alias value.
  • Rollover End Date for the new calendar is calculated by the System by adding the difference in days between the start dates of the new and existing calendars to the end date of the existing calendar. If the start day and month of the two calendars are identical, the System will recognise this and make the end day and month identical, regardless of leap years.
  • When rolling a calendar which has a superior, the System will determine if a link should be created from the new calendar to a suitable existing superior calendar. (This applies particularly where a set of calendars has been rolled, a new subordinate calendar is associated with a pre-existing superior and rolled forward separately. The System will attach the rolled subordinate to the previously rolled superior.)

Calendar Instance Relationship


New calendar instances may be created and linked to superior calendars which have either already been rolled forward or have been newly created. As part of the rollover process, if a new calendar instance is linked to a superior calendar and then rolled forward, the System will create a link to a suitable superior calendar if one exists.

When a new calendar does not have the desired relationship specified, this block enables you to specify a superior calendar to which the calendar being rolled over will be linked.


The academic calendar instance for 1998 may have been rolled over into 1999 along with all its subordinate calendars.

  • If a new fee calendar is subsequently created and linked to the academic calendar for 1998 as a subordinate, and then rolled over into 1999, it will automatically be linked to the 1999 academic calendar, by the System.
  • If the new fee calendar was not linked to the 1998 academic calendar, this block can be used, when the fee calendar is being rolled to 1999, to link it to the 1999 academic calendar.

To link a rolled over calendar instance to a superior calendar as part of the rollover process:

  1. Perform steps 1 to 4 of 'To create a new calendar instance from an existing calendar instance using the Calendar Rollover process:' (above)
  2. Select the superior calendar instance to which the rolled calendar instance will link from the list of values in the Superior Calendar Type field.
  3. Continue the rollover process (above) from step 5 onwards.



Last modified on 23 November 1999