Australian Qualifications Framework

Australian Qualifications Framework definition is as follows:

11 - Nationally accredited qualification designed to lead to a qualification specified in a national Training Package

First numeric character of training package qual code (4th character of code) Qual Name Qual Cat (Govt Course Type)
1 Certificate 1 524
2 Certificate 2 521
3 Certificate 3 514
4 Certificate 4 511
5 Diploma 421
6 Advanced Diploma 411

(Refer to AVETMISS Qualification Category Identifier rules, p.137)

These validations are based on the assumption that when a course version is created / updated that maps to a recognised training package qualification :

If a QUAL reference code is created, it is reported as the Course Identifier. Otherwise, the course code is reported as the Course Identifier.

Certificate 11 in Horticulture
Nationally recognised code = RUH20198
Created as course version and given same code
Assigned course type (qual cat) CERT11, which is mapped to govt course type 521
Validates as true because 4th character of course code ('2') = govt qual cat 521 (hard-coded validation using above table)