Maintain Assessment Type Government Score Mapping - ADMF02W1


To allow the mapping of 'local' tertiary entrance scores to 'common index tertiary entrance scores'




Two Blocks

Secondary Education Assessment Type

Assessment Type Government Score Mapping




DEST requires institutions to report the tertiary entrance scores of new students who have completed year 12 within Australia in the prior year. Institutions are able to record details of prior secondary education qualifications of students using ADMF32C0 (accessed via ADMF3000). These details include the tertiary entrance score and assessment type of the qualification. To enable the reporting of a tertiary entrance score to DEST, the assessment type must be 'flagged' as government reported, in ADMF02W0. The score reported must be from DEST's 'common tertiary index entrance scores'. Institutions using other types of tertiary entrance scores must map these to the common index scores.

The process which extracts the tertiary entrance scores of students for government reporting purposes checks that the score belongs to a government reported assessment type. If so, it checks whether or not the assessment type score is mapped to an assessment type government score (common index score). If a mapping exists, the common index score is reported. If no mapping exists, the Australian Secondary Education score recorded for the student (in ADMF32C0) is reported.

Use this form to map secondary education scores, for secondary education assessment types which do not correlate with DEST's common index schema, to scores from that schema.

This mapping should be performed for all scores within a secondary education assessment type, and must be repeated for each year the scoring schema is used.

Select the assessment type for which scores are to be mapped, in ADMF02W0, and select the Government Score Mapping button.

Record the scores for one Obtained Year.

Enter the Obtained Year, the Institution Score and the corresponding Government Score (common index score).

Repeat for all possible scores for that obtained year.

Note: This process must be repeated as and when necessary for future 'obtained years' (e.g. before a new year's admissions are recorded).

Repeat for other assessment types which do not correlate with DEST's common index schema.


  • A separate mapping must be recorded for each institution score for each obtained year.


Last Modified on 30 January 2002.