When writing rules for admissions correspondence there are four groups of rules that are used to return the required text. Rules must be written from the bottom up i.e.
ADM-PHRASE rules first, then ADM-STATUS rules, then ADM-RULE rules, then ADM-COR rules. For a diagrammatic example of the released admission correspondence rules see adm_cor.gifFrom top to bottom the rules are;
1. ADM-COR (Admission Correspondence)
Rules created in this group are used to determine the correspondence type that is being used and will call one or more rules from the ADM-RULE or ADM-COR groups.
1a. Syntax
Operators |
Usage |
Used to determine the value of parameters and determine an action. e.g. IF correspondence_type = OUTCOME-LT THEN `I am an outcome letter` ELSE ` I am an unknown letter` |
`[text]` |
Used to return text. e.g. `I am an example of text!` |
= |
Equal to. |
<> |
Not equal to. e.g. IF correspondence_type <> OUTCOME-LT THEN `I must be an acknowledgment letter` ELSE `I am an Outcome Letter` |
1b. The following parameters/functions are available in ADM-COR
Parameter/Function |
Description |
Current Values |
correspondence_type |
Returns the type of correspondence as defined in CORF2520. |
OUTCOME-LT, ACKNOW-LET and any other correspondence type mapped to system reference type ADM. (in CORF2520) |
ADM-COR rules |
Other rules written in the ADM-COR group. |
ADM-RULE rules |
Other rules written in the ADM-RULE group. |
1c. The following rules have been released with Callista as ADM-COR rules.
Rule Text |
Admission Letter
Rules created in this group are used to determine what text is to be returned to the ADM_RULE.htm# parameter as mapped in CORF2510. This allows multiple calls to the rules to return different text, based upon the adm_rule.htm#. Rules in this group are able to call each other and rules from the ADM-STATUS group.
2a. Syntax
Operators |
Usage |
Used to determine the value of parameters and determine an action. e.g. IF adm_letter_parameter_type = ADM_RUL_1 THEN `I am pleased to offer you a place in the following course` ELSE ` I am an unknown adm rule parameter type.` |
`[text]` |
Used to return text. Eg. `I am an example of text!` or `` |
<> |
Not equal to. Eg. IF offer_concat_1 <>`` THEN offer_concat_1 ELSE `` |
= |
Equal to.
+ |
Concatenates the values of ADM-RULE rules, ADM-STATUS rules and `text`. e.g. `Peter` + `Smith` will return `PeterSmith` |
2b. The following parameters/functions are available in ADM-RULE.
Parameter/Functions |
Description |
Current Values |
adm_letter_parameter_type |
Returns the value of the letter parameter type as defined in CORF2510 and CORF2520. |
ADM-RULE rules |
Other rules written in the ADM-RULE group. |
ADM-STATUS rules |
Other rules written in the ADM-STATUS group. |
2c.The following rules have been released with Callista as ADM-RULE rules.
Rule Name |
Rule Text |
acceptance_advice_concat |
acceptance_advice_1+acceptance_advice_2+ |
ack_concat_status |
ack_outcome_status_001+ack_outcome_status_002+ |
ack_rule_1 |
IF adm_letter_parameter_type = ADM_RUL_1 THEN |
fees_concat |
fees_assessed+fees_exempt+fees_received |
offer_concat_1 |
offer_outcome_status_1+offer_outcome_status_2+ |
offer_concat_2 |
offer_outcome_status_31+offer_outcome_status_32+ |
offer_concat_3 |
offer_outcome_status_61+offer_outcome_status_66+ |
offer_concat_4 |
offer_outcome_status_91+offer_outcome_status_92+ |
offer_concat_5 |
offer_outcome_status_121+offer_outcome_status_125+ |
offer_concat_6 |
offer_outcome_status_159+offer_outcome_status_161+ |
offer_concat_7 |
offer_outcome_status_184+offer_outcome_status_195+ |
offer_concat_group |
IF offer_concat_1 <> `` THEN offer_concat_1 ELSE IF offer_concat_2 |
outcome_additional_text_concat |
outcome_additional_text_1+outcome_additional_text_10+ |
outcome_rule_1 |
IF adm_letter_parameter_type = ADM_RUL_1 THEN |
Count: 14 |
3. ADM-STATUS (Admission Statuses)
Rules created in this group are used to determine the text that is to be returned as a result of various statuses passed to the rules. Rules in this group are able to call each other and rules from the ADM-PHRASE group.
3a. Syntax
Operators |
Usage |
Used to determine the value of parameters and determine an action. e.g. IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_fee_status = EXEMPT AND late THEN `Your appplication is complete and you have been exempted from the following. However, your application is late and will not be processed until a payment of $50.00 is received` ELSE `Your Application is currently incomplete` |
`text` |
Used to return text. e.g. `I am an example of text!` |
Used to join conditions. See IF THEN ELSE above. |
Not true. e.g. IF NOT late THEN `Your application will be considered` ELSE `Your application is late` |
( ) |
Used to combine tests of parameters. e.g. IF NOT late AND (adm_appl_status= COMPLETED and adm_fee_status = EXEMPT) THEN `Hello` ELSE `Something else` |
OR |
Either of the two or more conditions are true. e.g. IF NOT late OR encumbrance THEN `Your application will be considered` ELSE `Your application is late` |
3b. The following parameters/functions are available in adm-status rules.
The current values have been determined by institution defined values in the Admission reference tables. Modifications to the standard set of values may result in rules not returning the appropriate data.
Parameter/Function |
Description |
Current Values |
Adm_appl_status |
The value of the application status as defined in ADMF3240 |
Adm_fee_status |
The value of the fee status as defined in ADMF3240 |
Adm_doc_status |
The value of the documentation status as defined in ADMF3240 |
Adm_entry_qual_status |
The value of the entry qualification status as defined in ADMF3240 |
adm_outcome_status |
The value of the outcome status as defined in ADMF3240. |
adm_cndtnl_offer_status |
The value of the conditional offer status as defined in ADMF3240. |
adm_offer_resp_status |
The value of the offer response status as defined in ADMF3240 |
adm_offer_dfrmnt_status |
The value of the offer deferment status as defined in ADMF3240. |
reconsideration |
The value of the reconsideration check box as defined in ADMF3240. |
IF the check box is ticked, then this is true, else false. |
encumbrance |
The value of an administrative encumbrance check for the student. |
If an encumbrance of effect type RVK-SERV or SUSP-SERV exists for the student, this is true, else false. |
late_adm_fee_status |
The value of the late admission fee status for the admission correspondence application instance. Functionality not currently provided (September 1999). It is strongly recommended not to use this value in writing rules at present. |
course_invalid |
True, False |
late |
True, False |
incomplete |
True, False |
valid_alternate |
True, False |
valid_address |
True, False |
valid_disability |
True, False |
valid_visa |
True, False |
valid_finance |
True, False |
valid_notes |
True, False |
valid_statistics |
True, False |
valid_alias |
True, False |
valid_tertiary |
True, False |
valid_aus_sec_ed |
True, False |
valid_os_sec_ed |
True, False |
valid_employment |
True, False |
valid_membership |
True, False |
valid_dob |
True, False |
valid_title |
True, False |
valid_referee |
True, False |
valid_scholarship |
True, False |
valid_lang_prof |
True, False |
valid_interview |
True, False |
valid_exchange |
True, False |
valid_fee_assess |
True, False |
valid_cor_category |
True, False |
valid_enr_category |
True, False |
valid_research |
True, False |
valid_rank_app |
True, False |
valid_completion |
True, False |
valid_rank_set |
True, False |
valid_basis_adm |
True, False |
valid_crs_international |
True, False |
valid_ass_tracking |
True, False |
valid_adm_code |
True, False |
valid_location |
True, False |
valid_att_mode |
True, False |
valid_att_type |
True, False |
valid_unit_set |
True, False |
ADM-RULE rules |
Other rules written in the ADM-RULE group. |
ADM-STATUS rules |
Other rules written in the ADM-STATUS group. |
3c. The following rules have been released with Callista as ADM-STATUS rules.
acceptance_advice_1 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0190 ELSE `` |
acceptance_advice_2 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0190 ELSE `` |
acceptance_advice_3 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0190 ELSE `` |
acceptance_advice_4 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0190 ELSE `` |
acceptance_advice_5 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0190 ELSE `` |
acceptance_advice_6 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0190 ELSE `` |
ack_documentation_req |
IF (adm_doc_status = UNSATISFAC OR (adm_doc_status = REJECTED-F OR adm_doc_status = INCOMPLETE)) THEN ADMR0196 ELSE `` |
ack_encumbrance |
IF encumbrance THEN ADMR0226 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_001 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_doc_status = INCOMPLETE THEN ADMR0195 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_002 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_doc_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0197 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_003 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_doc_status = PENDING THEN ADMR0198 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_004 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_doc_status = REJECTED-F THEN ADMR0199 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_005 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_doc_status = SATISFIED THEN ADMR0200 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_006 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_doc_status = UNSATISFAC THEN ADMR0201 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_007 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_doc_status = INCOMPLETE THEN ADMR0202 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_008 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_doc_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0203 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_009 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_doc_status = PENDING THEN ADMR0204 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_010 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_doc_status = REJECTED-F THEN ADMR0205 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_011 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_doc_status = SATISFIED THEN ADMR0206 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_012 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_doc_status = UNSATISFAC THEN ADMR0207 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_013 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_doc_status = INCOMPLETE THEN ADMR0209 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_014 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_doc_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0210 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_015 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_doc_status = PENDING THEN ADMR0211 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_016 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_doc_status = REJECTED-F THEN ADMR0212 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_017 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_doc_status = SATISFIED THEN ADMR0213 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_018 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_doc_status = UNSATISFAC THEN ADMR0214 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_019 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_doc_status = INCOMPLETE THEN ADMR0216 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_020 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_doc_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0217 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_021 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_doc_status = PENDING THEN ADMR0218 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_022 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_doc_status = REJECTED-F THEN ADMR0219 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_023 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_doc_status = SATISFIED THEN ADMR0220 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_024 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_doc_status = UNSATISFAC THEN ADMR0221 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_025 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0222 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_026 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL THEN ADMR0223 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_027 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING THEN ADMR0225 ELSE `` |
ack_outcome_status_028 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED THEN ADMR0225 ELSE `` |
documentation_required |
IF adm_doc_status = INCOMPLETE AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING THEN ADMR0191 ELSE `` |
fees_assessed |
IF adm_fee_status = ASSESSED AND (adm_outcome_status = OFFER OR adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER) THEN ADMR0192 ELSE `` |
fees_exempt |
IF adm_fee_status = EXEMPT AND (adm_outcome_status = OFFER OR adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER) THEN ADMR0193 ELSE `` |
fees_received |
IF adm_fee_status = RECEIVED AND (adm_outcome_status = OFFER OR adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER) THEN ADMR0194 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_1 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = NO-QUOTA AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0001 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_10 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = REJECTED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0010 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_100 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0100 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_101 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0101 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_102 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0254 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_104 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0104 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_105 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0105 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_106 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0106 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_107 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0107 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_108 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0108 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_109 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0109 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_110 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0110 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_111 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0111 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_112 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0112 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_113 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0113 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_117 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = NO-QUOTA AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0117 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_118 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = NO-QUOTA AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0118 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_119 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0119 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_12 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0012 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_121 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0121 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_125 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = REJECTED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0125 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_13 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0013 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_137 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = NO-QUOTA AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0137 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_138 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = REJECTED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0138 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_14 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0014 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_141 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0141 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_148 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_outcome_status = NO-QUOTA AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0148 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_149 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_outcome_status = REJECTED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0149 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_159 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = NO-QUOTA AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0159 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_161 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0161 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_162 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = APPROVED THEN ADMR0162 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_163 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0163 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_164 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = PENDING THEN ADMR0164 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_165 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0165 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_166 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = WITHDRAWN THEN ADMR0166 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_167 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = REJECTED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0167 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_17 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0017 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_170 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0170 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_173 |
IF adm_appl_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0173 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_177 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0177 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_178 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0178 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_179 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0179 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_18 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0018 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_180 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0180 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_184 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0184 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_19 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0019 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_195 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0234 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_196 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0235 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_197 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0236 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_198 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0237 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_199 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0238 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_2 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0002 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_20 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0020 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_200 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0181 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_201 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = APPROVED THEN ADMR0240 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_202 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = PENDING THEN ADMR0241 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_203 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0242 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_204 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = WITHDRAWN THEN ADMR0243 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_205 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = SATISFIED AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = APPROVED THEN ADMR0244 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_206 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = SATISFIED AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = PENDING THEN ADMR0245 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_207 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = SATISFIED AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0246 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_208 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = SATISFIED AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = WITHDRAWN THEN ADMR0247 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_209 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = WAIVED AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = APPROVED THEN ADMR0248 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_21 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0021 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_210 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = WAIVED AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = PENDING THEN ADMR0249 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_211 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = WAIVED AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0250 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_212 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = WAIVED AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = WITHDRAWN THEN ADMR0251 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_22 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0022 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_23 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0023 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_24 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0024 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_25 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0025 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_26 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = NO-QUOTA AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0026 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_27 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0027 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_28 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0028 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_29 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0029 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_3 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = APPROVED THEN ADMR0003 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_30 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0030 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_31 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0031 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_32 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0032 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_33 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0033 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_34 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0034 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_35 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0035 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_36 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0036 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_37 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0037 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_38 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0038 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_39 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0039 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_4 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = PENDING THEN ADMR0004 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_40 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0040 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_41 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0041 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_42 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0042 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_43 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0043 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_44 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0044 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_45 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0045 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_46 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0046 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_47 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0047 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_48 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0048 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_49 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0049 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_5 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0005 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_50 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0050 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_51 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0051 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_52 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0052 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_53 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0053 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_54 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0054 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_55 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0055 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_56 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0056 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_57 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_outcome_status = NO-QUOTA AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0057 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_58 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_outcome_status = REJECTED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0058 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_59 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = NO-QUOTA AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0059 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_6 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = WITHDRAWN THEN ADMR0006 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_60 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0060 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_61 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = WITHDRAWN THEN ADMR0061 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_66 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0066 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_68 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0068 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_69 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = WITHDRAWN THEN ADMR0069 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_7 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0007 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_78 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = REJECTED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0078 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_8 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0008 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_80 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0080 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_81 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0081 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_82 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0082 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_83 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0083 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_84 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0084 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_85 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0085 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_86 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0086 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_87 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0087 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_88 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0088 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_89 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0089 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_9 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0009 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_90 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0090 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_91 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0091 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_92 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0092 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_93 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0093 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_94 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0094 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_95 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = VOIDED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = REJECTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0095 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_96 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0096 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_97 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = ACCEPTED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0097 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_98 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0098 ELSE `` |
offer_outcome_status_99 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = WITHDRAWN AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = LAPSED AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0099 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_1 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = REJECTED THEN ADMR0188 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_10 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = REJECTED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0189 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_11 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0188 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_12 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0188 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_13 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0188 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_14 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = PENDING THEN ADMR0188 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_15 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0188 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_16 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0188 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_17 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0189 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_18 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0188 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_19 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0189 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_2 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0188 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_20 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0188 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_21 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = UNSATISFAC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0189 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_22 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_resp_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0188 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_23 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = SATISFIED AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = APPROVED THEN ADMR0239 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_24 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = APPROVED THEN ADMR0239 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_25 |
IF adm_appl_status = RECEIVED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = COND-OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = WAIVED AND adm_offer_resp_status = DEFERRAL AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = APPROVED THEN ADMR0239 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_3 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_outcome_status = REJECTED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0189 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_4 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = NOT-QUAL AND adm_outcome_status = NO-QUOTA AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0189 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_5 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_outcome_status = NO-QUOTA AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0189 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_6 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = PENDING AND adm_outcome_status = REJECTED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0189 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_7 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = NO-QUOTA AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0189 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_8 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = OFFER AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = PENDING AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0188 ELSE `` |
outcome_additional_text_9 |
IF adm_appl_status = COMPLETED AND adm_entry_qual_status = QUALIFIED AND adm_outcome_status = REJECTED AND adm_cndtnl_offer_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_resp_status = NOT-APPLIC AND adm_offer_dfrmnt_status = NOT-APPLIC THEN ADMR0189 ELSE `` |
Count: 203 |
4. ADM-PHRASE (Admission Phrases)
Rules created in this group are used to determine the text that is to be returned.
4a. Syntax
Operators |
Usage |
`[text]` |
Used to return text. Eg. `I am an example of text!` or `` |
4b. The following rules have been released with Callista as ADM-PHRASE rules.
Rule Name |
Rule Text |
ADMR0001 |
`Your application for admission to the University has been considered. I regret to advise that we are unable to make an offer of admission due to quota limitations. I hope you will consider re-applying for admission on another occasion.` |
ADMR0002 |
`I am writing to you to acknowledge your acceptance of our offer of admission. Please review the details below.` |
ADMR0003 |
`I am writing to advise that the University has approved your request to defer entry to the course listed below. You will be contacted again prior to your enrolment period.` |
ADMR0004 |
`I am writing to advise that the University is giving consideration to your request to defer entry to the course listed below. You will be contacted shortly to advise the University's decision.` |
ADMR0005 |
`I am writing to you to advise that the University has not approved your request to defer admission in the course detailed below. Please advise the University at the address below, in writing, if you intend to enrol in accordance with our offer.` |
ADMR0006 |
`I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your decision to withdraw an application to defer admission in the course detailed below. Please advise the University at the address below in writing, if you now intend to enrol in accordance with our original offer` |
ADMR0007 |
`I am writing to advise that the date for you to respond to the University's offer of admission has now passed and consequently you are not eligible to enrol. If you consider there are any extenuating circumstances which the University should consider please contact the Admissions Office, in writing, at the address below.` |
ADMR0008 |
`Thank you for your application for entry to the University. I am pleased to offer admission to the following:` |
ADMR0009 |
`I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your rejection of the University's offer of admission in the following course:` |
ADMR0010 |
`I am writing to you concerning your application for admission to the University as detailed below. I regret to advise that your application has been unsuccessful.` |
ADMR0012 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission and your request to defer entry. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0013 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. The period for you to respond has now passed and I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0014 |
`I am writing to you confirming your rejection of the University's offer of admission. I advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the original offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0017 |
`I am writing to advise that the period for you to respond to the University's offer of admission has now passed. As a consequence the offer detailed below has been withdrawn. You are no longer eligible to enrol.` |
ADMR0018 |
`I am writing to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw its offer of admission to the course listed below As a consequence you are no longer eligible to enrol:` |
ADMR0019 |
`I am writing to advise that the University has recorded your rejection of the offer of admission detailed below. The offer has now been withdrawn. As a consequence you are no longer eligible to enrol:` |
ADMR0020 |
`I am writing to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw its offer of admission to the course listed below As a consequence you are no longer eligible to enrol:` |
ADMR0021 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below: ` |
ADMR0022 |
`I am writing to advise that the University has withdrawn its offer of admission to the course listed below as you have failed to satisfy the conditions associated with the place. Your request to defer has been rejected. As a consequence you are no longer eligible to enrol.` |
ADMR0023 |
`I am writing to advise that the University has withdrawn its offer of admission to the course listed below as you have failed to respond within the period or satisfy the conditions associated with the place. As a consequence you are no longer eligible to enrol.` |
ADMR0024 |
`I am writing to advise that the University has withdrawn its offer of admission to the course listed below as you have failed to satisfy the conditions associated with the place. As a consequence you are no longer eligible to enrol.` |
ADMR0025 |
`I am writing to confirm receipt of your rejection of the University's offer of admission. This offer, detailed below, has now been withdrawn.` |
ADMR0026 |
`Your application for admission to the University has been considered. I regret to advise that on this occasion due to your limited qualifications and quota restrictions it has not been successful. I hope you will consider re-applying for admission on another occasion.` |
ADMR0027 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0028 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer and has rejected your request to defer entry. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0029 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. The period for you to respond to the offer has now passed. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0030 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0031 |
`I am writing to you confirming your rejection of the University's recent offer of admission. The University has now found it necessary to revoke the original offer detailed below.` |
ADMR0032 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0033 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has rejected your request to defer and found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below :` |
ADMR0034 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. The period for you to respond to the offer has now passed. I regret to advise that the University has now found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0035 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has now found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0036 |
`I am writing to you confirming your rejection of the University's recent conditional offer of admission. The University has now found it necessary to revoke the original offer detailed below.` |
ADMR0037 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the conditions have not been satisfied and consequently the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0038 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the conditions have not been satisfied and consequently the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0039 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. The period for you to respond to the offer has now passed. I regret to advise that the conditions have not been satisfied and consequently the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0040 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the conditions have not been satisfied and consequently the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0041 |
`I am writing to you confirming your rejection of the University's recent conditional offer of admission. The University has now found it necessary to revoke the original offer detailed below.` |
ADMR0042 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0043 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has rejected your request to defer admission and has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:' ` |
ADMR0044 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0045 |
`I am writing to you confirming your rejection of the University's recent offer of admission. The University has now found it necessary to revoke the original offer detailed below.` |
ADMR0046 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are no longer eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0047 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are no longer eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0048 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's recent conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has rejected your request to defer admission and has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0049 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's recent conditional offer of admission. The period for you to respond to the offer has now passed. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0050 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's recent conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0051 |
`I am writing to you confirming your rejection of the University's recent conditional offer of admission. The University has now found it necessary to revoke the original offer detailed below.` |
ADMR0052 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. The conditions associated with the offer have not been satisfied. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are no longer eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0053 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's recent offer of admission. The conditions associated with the offer have not been satisfied. I regret to advise that the University has rejected your request to defer admission and has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0054 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's recent offer of admission. The conditions associated with the offer have not been satisfied and the period for you to respond to the offer has now passed. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0055 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's recent offer of admission. The conditions associated with the offer have not been satisfied. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0056 |
`I am writing to you confirming your rejection of the University's recent conditional offer of admission. The University has now found it necessary to revoke the original offer detailed below.` |
ADMR0057 |
`Your application for admission to the University has been considered. I regret to advise that on this occasion due to quota restrictions it has not been successful. I hope you will consider re-applying for admission on another occasion.` |
ADMR0058 |
`Your application for admission to the University has been considered. I regret to advise that on this occasion it has not been successful. I hope you will consider re-applying for admission on another occasion.` |
ADMR0059 |
`Your application for admission to the University has been considered. I regret to advise that on this occasion due to quota restrictions it has not been successful. I hope you will consider re-applying for admission on another occasion.` |
ADMR0060 |
`I am writing to you to advise that your acceptance of the University's offer of admission in the course detailed below has been recorded.` |
ADMR0061 |
`I am writing to you to advise that your decision to withdraw a request to defer admission has been noted. Your acceptance of the University's offer of admission in the course detailed below has been recorded.` |
ADMR0066 |
`I am writing to advise that the date for you to respond to the University's offer of admission has now passed and consequently you are not eligible to enrol. If you consider there are any extenuating circumstances which the University should consider please contact the Admissions Office, in writing, at the address below.` |
ADMR0068 |
`I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your rejection of the University's offer of admission in the following course:` |
ADMR0069 |
`I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your rejection of the University's offer of admission in the following course:` |
ADMR0076 |
`I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your decision to withdraw an application to defer admission in the course detailed below. Please advise the University at the address below, in writing, if you now intend to enrol in accordance with our original conditional offer.` |
ADMR0078 |
`I am writing to you concerning your application for admission to the University as detailed below. I regret to advise that your application has been unsuccessful.` |
ADMR0080 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0081 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has rejected your request to defer and found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0082 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. The period for you to respond has now passed and I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0083 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0084 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0085 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0086 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0087 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0088 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0089 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0090 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0091 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0092 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0093 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0094 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0095 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0096 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0097 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0098 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0099 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0100 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below: ` |
ADMR0101 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0104 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0105 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0106 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0107 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0108 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0109 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0110 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0111 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0112 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0113 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to withdraw the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0114 |
`Thank you for your application for entry to the University. I am pleased to offer admission to the following:` |
ADMR0115 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's conditional offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0116 |
`Thank you for your application for entry to the University. I am pleased to offer admission to the following:` |
ADMR0117 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0118 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0119 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0121 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0125 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0137 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0138 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0141 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0148 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0149 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0159 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0161 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0162 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0163 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0164 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0165 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0166 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0167 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0170 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0173 |
`I am writing to confirm that the University has recorded your decision to withdraw your application for admission to the course listed below:` |
ADMR0177 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0178 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0179 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0180 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0181 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0184 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0188 |
`The details of the offer are pre-printed on the enrolment form which accompanies this letter. Please note that owing to quotas on some units it may not be possible to offer some applicants their first preference of units in their first year of enrolment. However, subject to availability, these may be included in your enrolment in subsequent years. This offer should be accepted by signing and returning the enrolment form immediately. Please refer to "Enrolling at Deakin" and your 1999 Handbook for further information. Should you have any further queries please contact our Enquiries and Admissions office on (03) 92446333, (03) 52272333, (03) 55633333.` |
ADMR0189 |
`If you wish to discuss your application further you should contact the faculty on the relevant campus. Thank you again for your interest in Deakin University.` |
ADMR0190 |
`I wish to accept the offer of enrolment I wish to reject the offer of enrolment ` |
ADMR0191 |
`This offer of admission is conditional upon you supplying the following documentation:` |
ADMR0192 |
`You have been assessed as liable for the following fees:` |
ADMR0193 |
`You have been exempted from the following fees:` |
ADMR0194 |
`The University acknowledges receipt of the following fees:` |
ADMR0195 |
`Thank you for your application for admission to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. If you wish to make changes to your application you should notify the Admissions Office, in writing, as soon as possible to the address above. At the present time you have not supplied sufficient documentation to enable the University to make a full assessment of your application. Please see below for details of the additional required information` |
ADMR0196 |
`The following documentation is required as soon as possible, before this application can be processed.` |
ADMR0197 |
`Thank you for your application for admission to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. If you wish to make changes to your application you should notify the Admissions Office, in writing, as soon as possible at the address above.` |
ADMR0198 |
`Thank you for your application for admission to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. An assessment of your entry qualifications as detailed in your documentation is presently underway. If you wish to make changes to your application you should notify the Admissions Office, in writing, as soon as possible at the address above.` |
ADMR0199 |
`Thank you for your application to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. Before the University can make a decision on your application it needs to sight original documentation detailing your qualifications. The documentation supplied to date is not satisfactory in this regard. Please see below for details of the additional required information.` |
ADMR0200 |
`Thank you for your applicaiton for admission to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. If you wish to make changes to your application you should notify the Admissions Office, in writing, as soon as possible at the address above.` |
ADMR0201 |
`Thank you for your application to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. Before the University can make a decision on your application it needs to sight original documentation detailing your qualifications. The documentation supplied to date is not satisfactory in this regard. Please see below for details of the additional required information.` |
ADMR0202 |
`Thank you for your application to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. Before the University can make a decision on your application it needs to sight a complete set of original documentation detailing all your qualifications. The documentation supplied to date is not satisfactory in this regard. Please see below for details of the additional required information.` |
ADMR0203 |
`Thank you for your application to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. From the information you have supplied it would appear that you are not qualified for admission. If you wish to make changes to your application you should notify the Admissions Office, in writing, as soon as possible at the address above.` |
ADMR0204 |
`Thank you for your application to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. From the information you have supplied it would appear that you are not qualified for admission. If you wish to make changes to your application you should notify the Admissions Office, in writing, as soon as possible at the address above.` |
ADMR0205 |
`Thank you for your application to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. Before the University can make a decision on your application it needs to sight a complete set of original documentation detailing all your qualifications. The documentation supplied to date is not satisfactory in this regard. As a consequence you do not appear qualified to gain admission. Please see below for details of the additional required information.` |
ADMR0206 |
`Thank you for your application to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. Before the University can make a decision on your application it needs to sight a complete set of original documentation detailing all your qualifications. The documentation supplied to date is not satisfactory in this regard. As a consequence you do not appear qualified to gain admission. Please see below for details of the additional required information.` |
ADMR0207 |
`Thank you for your application to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. Before the University can make a decision on your application it needs to sight a complete set of original documentation detailing all your qualifications. The documentation supplied to date is not satisfactory in this regard. As a consequence you do not appear qualified to gain admission. Please see below for details of the additional required information.` |
ADMR0208 |
`Thank you for your application to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. An assessment of your entry qualifications is presently underway. If you wish to make changes to your application you should notify the Admissions Office, in writing, as soon as possible at the address above.` |
ADMR0209 |
`Thank you for your application to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. Before the University can make a decision on your application it needs to sight a complete set of original documentation detailing all your qualifications. Please see below for details of the additional required information.` |
ADMR0210 |
`Thank you for your application for admission to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. An assessment of your entry qualifications as detailed in your documentation is presently underway. If you wish to make changes to your application you should notify the Admissions Office, in writing as soon as possible at the address above.` |
ADMR0211 |
`Thank you for your application for admission to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. An assessment of your entry qualifications is presently underway.` |
ADMR0212 |
`Thank you for your application for admission to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. Before the University can make a decision on your application it needs to sight original documentation detailing your qualifications. The documentation supplied to date is not satisfactory in this regard.` |
ADMR0213 |
`Thank you for your application for admission to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. An assessment of your entry qualifications is presently underway. If you wish to make changes to your application you should notify the Admissions Office, in writing, as soon as possible at the address below.` |
ADMR0214 |
`Thank you for your application to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. Before the University can make a decision on your application it needs to sight original documentation detailing your qualifications. The documentation supplied to date is not satisfactory in this regard. Please see below for details of the additional required information.` |
ADMR0216 |
`Thank you for your application to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. Before the University can make a decision on your application it needs to sight original documentation detailing your qualifications. The documentation supplied to date is not satisfactory in this regard.` |
ADMR0217 |
`Thank you for your application for admission to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. If you wish to make changes to your application you should notify the Admissions Office, in writing, as soon as possible at the address above.` |
ADMR0218 |
`Thank you for your application for admission to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. An assessment of your documentation is presently underway. If you wish to make changes to your application you should notify the Admissions Office, in writing, as soons as possible at the address above.` |
ADMR0219 |
`Thank you for your application for admission to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. Before the University can make a decision on your application it needs to sight original documentation detailing your qualifications. The documentation supplied to date is not satisfactory in this regard. Please see below for details of the additional required information.` |
ADMR0220 |
`Thank you for your application for admission to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. If you wish to make changes to your application you should notify the Admissions Office, in writing, as soon as possible at the address above.` |
ADMR0221 |
`Thank you for your application for admission to the University. Please check that the details of your application are correctly recorded. Before the University can make a decision on your application it needs to sight original documentation detailing your qualifications. The documentation supplied to date is not satisfactory in this regard. Please see below for details of the additional required information.` |
ADMR0222 |
`The University acknowledges your withdrawal of your application for admission to the following course:` |
ADMR0223 |
`The University acknowledges your withdrawal of your application for admission to the following course:` |
ADMR0224 |
`The University acknowledges your withdrawal of your application for admission to the following course:` |
ADMR0225 |
`The University acknowledges your withdrawal of your application for admission to the following course:` |
ADMR0226 |
`The University is not able to process your application until the following obligations have been attended to:` |
ADMR0234 |
`Thank you for your application for entry to the University. I am pleased to offer conditional admission to the following:` |
ADMR0235 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer and has rejected your request to defer entry. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0236 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's offer of admission. I regret to advise that the University has found it necessary to revoke the offer and has rejected your request to defer entry. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0237 |
`I am writing to you regarding the University's recent offer of admission. The conditions associated with the offer have not been satisfied. I regret to advise that the University has rejected your request to defer admission and has found it necessary to revoke the offer. As a consequence you are not eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0238 |
`I am writing to advise that the University has rejected your request to defer and withdrawn its offer of admission. As a consequence you are no longer eligible to enrol in the course detailed below:` |
ADMR0239 |
`Thank you for your request to defer your offer of a place at Deakin University. I am pleased to advise that your application for deferral has been granted. To take up this deferred offer you must notify Admissions, AASD Deakin University, Geelong Campus 3217, in writing before October 31, 1998 of your intention to take up the offer. Please remember to notify us if you change your address and/or telephone number. A new offer package will then be sent to you in November. ` |
ADMR0240 |
`I am writing to advise that the University has approved your request to defer entry to the course listed below. You will be contacted again prior to your enrolment period.` |
ADMR0241 |
`I am writing to advise that the University is giving consideration to your request to defer entry to the course listed below. You will be contacted shortly to advise the University's decision.` |
ADMR0242 |
`I am writing to you to advise that the University has not approved your request to defer admission in the course detailed below. Please advise the University at the address below, in writing, if you intend to enrol in accordance with our offer.` |
ADMR0243 |
`I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your decision to withdraw an application to defer admission in the course detailed below. Please advise the University at the address below in writing, if you now intend to enrol in accordance with our original offer` |
ADMR0244 |
`I am writing to advise that the University has approved your request to defer entry to the course listed below. You will be contacted again prior to your enrolment period.` |
ADMR0245 |
`I am writing to advise that the University is giving consideration to your request to defer entry to the course listed below. You will be contacted shortly to advise the University's decision.` |
ADMR0246 |
`I am writing to you to advise that the University has not approved your request to defer admission in the course detailed below. Please advise the University at the address below, in writing, if you intend to enrol in accordance with our offer.` |
ADMR0247 |
`I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your decision to withdraw an application to defer admission in the course detailed below. Please advise the University at the address below, in writing, if you now intend to enrol in accordance with our original offer.` |
ADMR0248 |
`I am writing to advise that the University has waived conditions pertaining to your recent offer and has approved your request to defer entry to the course listed below. You will be contacted again prior to your enrolment period.` |
ADMR0249 |
`I am writing to advise that the University has waived conditions pertaining to your recent offer and is giving consideration to your request to defer entry to the course listed below. You will be contacted shortly to advise the University's decision.` |
ADMR0250 |
`I am writing to you to advise that the University has waived conditions pertaining to your recent offer and has not approved your request to defer admission in the course detailed below. Please advise the University at the address below, in writing, if you intend to enrol in accordance with our offer.` |
ADMR0251 |
`I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your decision to withdraw an application to defer admission in the course detailed below. Please advise the University at the address below in writing, if you now intend to enrol in accordance with our original offer.` |
ADMR0252 |
`Approved` |
ADMR0253 |
`Not Approved` |
ADMR0254 |
`Thank you for your application for entry to the University. I am pleased to offer admission to the following:` |
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Last modified on 1October 1999