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ENRJ8500 - Confirmation of Enrolment Extract
Purpose |
To extract data containing relevant information for inclusion on a Confirmation of Enrolment Notice. |
SubSystem |
Enrolments |
Normally Run By | Enrolment Specialist | |
Anticipated Frequency | At regular intervals during the Enrolment Periods, and as required | |
Structure | Block | Confirmation of Enrolment Extract |
Tabs | Parameters | |
More | ||
Buttons | Find Course | |
Find Person |
Process This job uses the generic 'Extract table' structure to store Extracted Data which can be used for the production of Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) notices. CoE Notices are also viewed by students in Student Connect. A program that uses the Extracted Data (and data from other Callista tables, if required) to produce Confirmation Notices can be custom built by the institution, if required. (Alternatively, the institution can use the CoE notice provided by Callista.) The program accesses the Extracted Data via views specifically created for the Confirmation of Enrolment Extract process. Extract Creation Processes describes this methodology. Technical details regarding Confirmation of Enrolment Extracts is provided in the Callista Product Centre ( Details of the data extracted by this job are available in Confirmation of Enrolment views - see Confirmation of Enrolment Extract - View Details. Institutions can write programs that access views of the Extract Tables to produce CoE notices, and in addition customise the content and appearance of the notices produced from the extracted data. Record Selection: Records can be selected for batches of students or for a single student . Primary record selection is dependent on which of certain parameters are used. Records are Extracted only for Student Course Attempts with units that incur load in the target Load Calendar. The process:
Where a Person ID is specified as a job run parameter, only records for that student are selected. Similarly, other parameters can be used to refine the set of Student Course Attempts for which Confirmation of Enrolment Extract records are created. Record Extraction: The Extract process creates a record in the S_EXTRACT table which identifies the particular Extract job run. It creates corresponding records of Student Course Attempts for which Confirmation of Enrolment Extract records have been created, in the S_EXTRACT_RECORD table. Records are not normally created where a Confirmation of Enrolment record has been Extracted in a previous run, however, parameters allow this job to be run to produce a replacement notice or to reissue a notice if Enrolment circumstances change. Run
Details Method: ENRJ8500 runs only in batch mode, through the Job Control & Scheduling subsystem. Place in cycle: This job would typically be run during and immediately after the Enrolment period for the target students. Viewing the Extracted Data: Data is usually processed by the institution's custom-built Confirmation of Enrolment creation and printing job. Data can be viewed in the S_Extract and S_Extract_RECORD tables, or in a more useable form in the views ENR_CNFRMTN_EXTRACT_V and ENR_CNFRMTN_RECORD_V, using an ad-hoc query tool. For
each Student Course Attempt for which Confirmation of Enrolment records
are Extracted, the process can register an outgoing Correspondence Item,
with a specific Confirmation of Enrolment Correspondence Type (CORF2320).
If required, a parameter allows Confirmation of Enrolment Extract records
to be produced without the recording of Correspondence Items. |
The Confirmation of Enrolment Extract block contains: Parameters Tab
More Tab
Rule/Notes: Selection of parameters for this job depends on the particular circumstances in which it is being run.
Last modified on 17 August, 2015 4:19 PM
History Information
Release Version | Project | Change to Document | | 2011 - Calipso 41512 | Updated tech info link to CPC wiki site. | | 1353 - International Name | Cleaned up incorrectly displayed fonts |