Validate Electronic Outcome Upload File block:
- Teaching
- Start
- End
- Unit
- Location
- Unit
- Unit
- Comments
- File
- Final
check box.
- Browse
(find file window)
- Validate
A file that contains multiple unit records cannot
be uploaded.
this form, the report ASSR5340 that is created will report any grades
that are system assigned. |
1. Select
the Teaching Period. (Mandatory.)
2. Enter
the Unit Code. (Mandatory.)
3. Enter
the Unit Offering Option details (right of Unit Code).
details are optional. However, if the records in the file relate to
a single Unit Location, Mode and/or Class, it is strongly recommended
that the details be entered in the appropriate fields. This will assist
in identifying the validated file when it is loaded into the database.
4. Enter
the file path or use the Browse button to select the file. |
5. Select
the Validate File button to validate the upload file.
- Callista
will then attempt to validate each record in the file and store the
details in a temporary area before loading them into the system as student
unit results.
- If
it is unable to validate the file, an error message will be displayed.
Possible causes for this are listed in the right column.
- When
the file is validated, various types of errors may be encountered. If
any abort errors are encountered, the validation process will continue,
but the file contents will NOT be loaded into the system.
- When
the process finishes, a window showing a summary of the validation is
displayed. It gives a count of the number of errors, warnings, abort
errors and successful records encountered while validating the file.
If no warnings, errors or abort errors are encountered, the user is
given the option of generating a report of the summary details. Otherwise,
an exception report is automatically produced and displayed on screen,
with the option to print.
- The
Exception Report gives details of all warnings, errors and abort errors
encountered and the action taken by the system. Actions taken will depend
how the System Administrator has configured the process:
- Records
displayed with the WARNING message are generally minor problems
such as a Surname misspelt. These records are still loaded into
the system. The assessor may choose to fix the error before attempting
to upload the file again.
- Records
displayed with an ERROR message are not loaded into the system.
These are more serious problems which must be corrected by the assessor
before attempting to upload the file again. However, when these
errors are encountered during the validation, subsequent clear records
are still validated and uploaded.
- Records
displayed with a FATAL message prevent any further records from
being loaded into the system whether or not they are validated.
The validation of the file is continued and exceptions are displayed
in the report. Fatal errors must be corrected by the assessor to
allow the uploading of the file.
- Where
exceptions are encountered that must be resolved by the assessor, this
process may take several attempts in order to upload all Student Unit
Attempt Outcomes.
- Final
- Check Box
- This
indicator is inserted by the system when the validation completes with
no errors or aborts (as configured in ASSF01K0).
An active Final check box clearly indicates files ready to be uploaded.
Causes for Failure to Validate File:
- Path or filename are incorrect.
- File is not a comma delimited text file.
- File format is incorrect. (Refer to Understanding Assessments).
- File contents in conflict with details entered
in form. For example, file gives details of student unit attempts at
Location X, but form details specify Location Y.
- A mark has been entered, but the Grade is defined in ASSF5110 to not have one. Failure to validate will occur if the Mark/Grade Invalid setting in ASSF01K0 is 'Don't Load' or 'Abort' and the following error message will display - 'Student cannot have a mark recorded for this grade.' This record will not be loaded.
- A mark has been entered, but the Grade is defined in ASSF5110 to record a grade only. Failure to validate will occur if the Mark/Grade Invalid setting in ASSF01K0 is 'Holding' . The same error message as above will display and the record will be copied into ASSF5333.
validation messages in file:
- The grade must have a mark specified.
- The specified grade is not valid for the student.
- Person ID does not exist in the system.
- The Surname in the file does not match Surname
recorded on the system.
- Student is DISCONTINUED from the Unit Attempt.
- Student already has an outcome for the Unit Attempt.
- Unable to determine Grading Schema for Unit Attempt.
Contact administrator.
- Student is not enrolled in the unit within the
specified period.
- The person does not have any Course Attempts recorded.
- The mark is not within the allowable range for
the specified grade.
- Grade defined to not allow a mark, grade only uploaded. (A mark has been entered when the Grade is defined in ASSF5110 to not have one, and the Mark/Grade Invalid setting in ASSF01K0 is 'Warning Only'.)
action taken for these validations are:
- WARNING - there is a minor problem with the record.
Whether the record is loaded into the system depends on the settings in ASSF01K0.
- ERROR - the record is not loaded into the system,
the validation of the file continues.
- FATAL - no records are loaded into the system,
the validation of the file continues.