On-line User Documentation Facility - Introduction

The System has a number of help mechanisms. One of these is the On-line User Manual. The User Manual is displayed to users by means of html files (or 'Web' pages) viewed via a web browser. Access to The Manual is gained directly from the System by selecting the Help function whilst in any System form. This causes the Field Help form to be displayed. This form contains basic detail regarding the field in which the cursor is currently active. The form also contains a number of user configurable buttons some of which are configured to provide access to the user manual. Up to six buttons can be user configured. The first three buttons have System defined labels, namely 'More', 'Index' and 'TOC'. These three buttons activate the user's browser and provide three specific entry points to the user manual as detailed below.


Buttons User Manual Entry Point
Accesses the section of The Manual which is directly relevant to the part of the System being used. ie. Accesses The Manual in context.
Accesses The Manual's keyword index to permit any random subject to be located.
Accesses The Manual's table of contents to permit subjects to be located according to their location in The Manual.


The remaining three configurable buttons, provide the facility to access any other relevant "web" files directly from the System. The sixth button is currently set up to invoke a form by which feedback can be provided to a nominated email address. If a button has not been defined it will not be displayed in the Field help form. The configuration of the Field Help form buttons are controlled using two data maintenance forms:

Last Modified on 12 January, 2004